I've been planning on having Ariel swim on over for my mermaid performing business for a while . Having cosplayed Ariel for about 6 years on and off at conventions and just how much her spirit and her story have inspired me and gave me my very first experience with mermaids, I figured it was about time I start testing her makeup for performing. This isn't the final look but I thought I'd showcase it anyway. This is probably one of the only cosplay looks that I feel super confident in.

I tried to go with something that was a mix of both the parks makeup and the Broadway style ( Since my Wig is musical inspired) but I think I'm trying to lean a bit more toward the Broadway styled look since it's a lot more natural. I'll try another one with just the Broadway makeup eventually. I apologize the lighting's not that spectacular. I did this late at night so it's not really the best