So most of you know, I had my first interview - as a mermaid- published in a Belgian dive magazine.

Here is the 'original' digital copy.

It's about how I became a mermaid, with help of Raina's books and support of my duving club.
The photos where taken by my divkng instructor and underwater photographer Jef Driesen.

I got some requests for a translation so here it is! ^_^ I hope It's good enough, did my best!


A real Belgian mermaid.

Anneke Verelst, 28 years old, is very passionate about everything that's related to the sea.
Despite her heavy visual limitations, she decited to start taking diving lessons one year ago - so she could unfold herself as a 'real' mermaid.

Anneke is a member of the diving club 'Sub Aqua Club' in Nijlen (BE). She recently got her 1* certificate thanks to all the support and advice from the dive members.
"Thanks to my dive buddys I had the chance to unfold me in my other hobby: Mermaiding."
" Scince my childhood I have been facinated by mermaids, and for a few years I have a new passion/hobby. "

End 2012 Anneke discovers 'real' mermaids swimming around on the internet, and Youtube - people who are practicing 'Mermaiding'.
They are swimming around in mermaid tails that are made from a monofin, sometimes neoprene and silicone rubber - all around the legs ti'll waistline.

Years before she started her diving course, she trains hard for her swimming routine (dolphin kick, mermaid posing underwater, underwater tricks...) by self study and is now one of the few 'real' mermaids in Belgium.

Last year we already publiched something about a mermaid academy in our magazine, by Sirenas Mediterrian Academy. (

But for her, a training like that wasen't possible at that time, she needed te learn how to dive first.

Anneke searched her way trough the internet hoping to find new information and came across 'Halifax Mermaids' (
This is a Canadian mermaid company lead by Mermaid Raina.
She wasen't into attending a mermaid training all the way to Canada, so she bought Raina's book 'Fishy Business: How to be a mermaid'.

In this book was told how to become a mermaid.
On her website you wil find vlogs about mermaid swimming technique and mermaid approved equipment you will need as a mermaid.

By now, two other books have been released by Raina and ofcourse Anneke had to buy them aswel.
She collects everything about mermaids and sea inspired by the sea.

While swimming trouh her dive training, Anneke mastered some of the skills that arenecessary for being a mermaid.

She learned how to swim with a monofind and still trains her technique , almost weekly in her local swimming pool.
"In order to maintain my condition." She says. " I also do my swimming laps rourine twice a week."

A mermaid has a tail obviously, and Anneke wanted a really nice one.
"Now I'm a very proud owner of a professional mermaid tail." she said proudly.
" It's made out of high quality silicone rubber and a monofin.
I had it custome made for me, all the way from Florida."

Raven Victoria Shutter - a passionate mermaid performer- is the owner of a business called 'Merbella Studios'.
They create beautiful pieces.
Raven's husband, Taylor Shutter helps around in the studio with doing the photography and email-communication.

Every tail is a piece of art, made with lots of love and all done by hand.
"It took me 1,5 years waiting time to get my special package. That's a long wait, but normal becouse the company is floaded by orders.
I was lucky to get a spot for an order, quite quickly - they get tons of email every day." Anneke said.

"At the time they took my order in, there was a briefly discussion how I wanted my dream tail to look. What type of fin, scales and monofin you wanted and even extra fins if needed."

"After that they asked my exact mesurments and at the final point they send a payment invoice via Paypal."

"You are free to design the tail yourself or get a special design done by Raven herself. I already had a design in mind. The colors blue, purple and mint green are my favorite colors so they had to be in the color palette. "

If I ask her the value of the tail she says: " The starting price of a tail like mine is 2600 Dollars, and gets more expensive on how much extras you would like, as in extra fins etc.
The matching top costs around 260
Dollars. "

" I had to save up pretty hard to get there, but it was all worth it."

" As for some reason, you can relate it with an expensive brand of diving materials? "

" It's quite an investment, but as long as you take good care of it, you will have fun with it for a few years."

Merbella Sudio's does not own an official website, but they have tried to make one a few years back, wich did not work out. It just asks to much time and work to update so they only take orders on their Facebook page. (

Meanwhile Anneke is a 'real' mermand, she chose the name Ariel Starfish for her mermaid persona.
She swims in her tail on a weekly basis and did some photoshoots with it aswel, wich is great for keeping up your condition.

"Due this I have lost some weight and had to alter the tail a bit on my waistline" she said proudly.

So why did you choose the name 'Ariel Starfish'?
Does this has any spesific reason or meaning to you?
"The name for my mermaid persona is chosen a bit sadly...It's a reference to Disney's little mermaid."
" I clearly wanted a name starting with 'A' , and due lack of inspiration 'Ariel' got stuck in my head. The second name 'Starfish' got involved after you had to give an extra name on your Facebook profile - and I just love starfish."

Being a mermaid, Ariel Starfish has a strong message for everyone: " I have very strong sight limitations and being invalid, life isen't easy. But that does not mean you have to give up your dreams and that's what I want to show to the outside world."

" One year ago, I never thought about being able to dive, but with all the love and support of my parents, a corrected diving mask, and the very supportive diving members of 'Sub Aqua Club' I got trough! "

Follow Mermaid Ariel Starfish on her Facebook page!