Of course, I will be happy to share some thoughts on this matter! Using a separate Facebook page instead of a personal profile does have its benefits, especially if you have a large audience. In addition, this helps to avoid the risk of blocking or deleting your account for violating the rules associated with using fake or unoriginal profiles. It is important to remember that a Facebook profile has a limit on the number of friends, while a page does not, allowing you to stay in touch with a large number of followers.

When it comes to Twitter and Instagram, there are no hard and fast rules regarding the number of accounts you can have. However, creating separate accounts for different purposes or interests can be very helpful. This allows you to maintain and manage content that is most relevant to specific audiences more effectively.

Additionally, I would like to share with you a helpful recommendation regarding Twitter. If you've ever had trouble deleting unwanted tweets or would like delete Twitter likes, I found a great tool called https://tweetdeleter.com/features/unlike-tweets. It offers convenient features for deleting unwanted tweets and even unliking. This is a very cool tool, I recommend checking it out.