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Thread: Well Hello There

  1. #1

    Well Hello There

    I probably should have done this a few days ago, but my original thread didn't post and I was too lazy to do it again, but now I'm bored so... Hi.
    Hey so I'm Tyson or Ty, but my mer name is Kae because it's nice and gender neutral and also I feel like I could switch between being an evil mer and a nicer one. I don't know if that even made sense. Anyways, I do have a tail. It's five years old. I got my tail from the 2 Tails and it is the sparkle black tail, which I think they are retiring or something because it's not listed with majority of the tails on their site. You actually have to go to the sale page to find it. Kind of bothers me, but whatever. I've gotten a lot of use out of it. So much so that the neoprene on the monofin has ripped so much that I can't even find the foot holes anymore. For my next tail, I either want to order a magictail pro, since a Mahina fits in it, or a silicone tail. I have a few ideas for silicone tails, but most of them are based on fish, and I think I'd like to get the only one that I designed without much help from nature made first. After that, if the opportunity should arise, I'd like to get a tail modeled after a humuhumunukunukuapua'a, a mandarin fish, a lionfish, a bass, or a congo tetra. I want to, eventually, work at an aquarium as a performer and I figured that since my own design isn't very colorful, it would be good to choose an actual fish to model my tail after, so I picked a few of my favorites. I know bass aren't very colorful fish, but I've lived in Texas ever since I left Hawai'i and fishing is one of my favorite things to do. Majority of what you catch here is some species of trout, bass, or something similar. Actually, a rainbow trout would be a nice tail. My dream tail takes precedence over that tail though, obviously. So, I really love fishing, hunting, shooting, cooking, sewing, crocheting, reading, BMX, poetry, writing, cars/motorcycles, SFX makeup, space, and music in addition to all of my mer activities. I play violin, bass, percussion, ukulele, piano, and fife. I can't sing a note though. Mermaids and vampires have always been my "thing". After we left Hawai'i, I didn't have many friends. That was a huge change for me since I had so many back home. In Texas, everyone hated me, it seemed. I was bullied a lot, and I still am. For my first few years living here, I only had one friend, Elizabeth. She had other friends and didn't have much time for me, however, and that made the bullying worse. Because of that, mermaids, vampires, and music were my escape. Imagining swimming, freely, in the blue waters off the shore of Waikiki kept me going. Eventually, five years ago, I got my tail. It came at a time when I needed it the most, which was lucky for me. Now, I can come home after a particularly awful day, slip into my tail, turn the lights off, and just lay in bed. It makes me feel so much better. It's therapeutic, honestly. A few months ago, I got my first set of custom vampire fangs. Like my tail, they've proven to calm me down and make me feel better, though I have had to stop wearing them constantly. People like to tease me a lot about having them. Luckily, since they're small and easily portable, I can slip them on with ease wherever I go, unlike my tail. I plan to go into the U.S. Air Force after college as (fingers crossed) a combat rescue officer. Our men and women on the front lines do so much for us that I figured I might as well make it my job to bark orders at the guys that go in and save them. Though I'll be doing my fair share of that myself. I have to take all these courses and get all of these certifications to do it. I have to train with the Navy in scuba diving, be certified to jump and free fall by the Army, be trained in personnel recovery by... I can't even remember which branch, in addition to a bunch of other things that I can't remember off the top of my head. I am also in the furry fandom which is another very expensive hobby, like this one. On my list of extreme, and optional, expenses, those two are pretty equal. Being a vampire isn't very expensive. My fangs were ~$110 and I plan on adding another set in the fall. Fursuits can cost roughly the same amount as a silicone tail and it is just as long and difficult of a process. Other than those two things, I'm eventually going to have to pay to transition. Those three are the only huge things I plan on purchasing way into the future (besides, you know, a car and probably a motorcycle... the military will buy my house for me ). Except for seven dogs, but I have a plan worked out with my girlfriend in regards to that. We also want some lizards, some fish, some birds, and maybe a cat (hairless, I have allergies with cat fur). She's going to be a doctor though, so . Oh yeah my girlfriend. I do have one of those. She's lovely and we've been together for a year, roughly. I will probably have a very difficult time getting through the breakup as I have never loved anyone else this much, and I am not even really over my first breakup! I take my relationships very seriously since I date with the intention of marrying. Anyways.. that's me.
    "There has got to be more to life than just being really, really, really ridiculously good-looking."
    -Derek Zoolander

  2. #2
    Senior Member Pod of The South Slim's Avatar
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    Jan 2017
    Welcome to the Mernetwork

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    When you make the impossible become possible, that when the magic happens!

    Survivor of cyberbullies

  3. #3
    Merman Kae, you're new here! Well welcome friend!
    Don't worry, you make sense and your identity is very interesting!
    Ah tail aspirations, why is it they always seem so lofty? Good luck on saving up for your silicone/magictail pro!
    It's been a while, but isn't the humuhumunukunukuapua'a the Hawaiian state fish? Sorry if I'm wrong. I think natural looking tails can be beautiful, I've seen some really pretty lionfish and mandarin goby tails (I hope to make one myself one day).
    By the way, the Pod of Texas has a meet in August. I'd definitely recommend checking that out.
    Anyway, Welcome to the network!

    Edit: looked it up and yes it is (the state fish). It's so pretty!
    Last edited by Sea~Phoenix Savannah; 06-29-2017 at 12:07 PM.


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