Progress! My goal was to have all molds made by June first. I had better get my butt in gear.

I went all out and used Smooth Cast 300 for my molds. I have worked with it before, its an easy 1:1 part mix ratio and heck, I'm going to be reusing these molds forever so they might as well be fabulous. I hot glued a cardboard moat around the mold and made sure to use gloss coated cardboard for absorption resistance. I mixed small batches of Smooth Cast and poured them in layers. This isn't necessarily a trick or anything, I just didn't have a large enough container to mix it in and this stuff cures FAST. Like, 4 minutes fast. You can see that little clumpy area where my resin started hardening in the cup while I was pouring it!
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I made sure to do a test mold first with some small fin things. There was some resin seepage under the sculpt so I had to break some thin layers of resin off of the sculpt before pulling it out. Easy enough, but I need to take a dremel to the edges now. I have fixed this problem with the fluke sculpt so there should be no seepage when I turn it over. Thank goodness for tests! I was also surprised at how "well" the actual sculpt was able to lift out of the mold (this is without any cleaning either). Ideally I'd like my fluke sculpt to come out relatively unharmed but we'll see how lucky I actually am . Lastly, I'm finishing up a modpodge coat on my scale sheet and finishing two extra fin sculpts. Tip: I've found that drywall is an excellent backboard for sculpting. Easy to cut, lightweight, and cheap. Just make sure to cover it with plastic, tape, or wax paper because resin will NOT come off of it if directly molded on. I learned the hard way.
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This forum thing is also pretty foreign to me so I'm not replying to every individual response.. but I appreciate you all and the kinds words! Just know that <3