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Thread: I need advice comming out as a merman

  1. #1

    I need advice comming out as a merman

    So I've been a merman for a long time but no one knows I am. I really want to buy a tail but I know my parents would find it weird since I'm 18 years old. So does anyone have any advice on how to tell my parents about me being a merman?

  2. #2
    I know some people prefer to bring up the idea of merpeople to there parents to see their opinion of it before showing their interest. When the time comes to tell them, be honest. Tell them why you want to be a merman and why it would be helpful, and listen to what they have to say in response. Good luck.
    "The Mer in me, it's easy to see. Long golden tresses, a heart set free in the Sea."

  3. #3
    This depends on your family (we don't have background information) and we probably cannot give you a valid answer,
    but I've just told them and it was not a big issue but few others had some problems, as you can read in this forum.
    I am slightly older than you but I may be different to you, that I don't hide my hobbies from my parents as some day
    they will know it anyway, so I will highly recommend you to tell them as you probably have an easier life, if you don't have to hide it all the time.
    The best thing is if you think it could be a problem, tell it them from a side they will take it in a positive way,
    for example you are doing sports, meet friends etc.

  4. #4
    Alright and thank you!

  5. #5
    Alright and thanks for the advice and I hope it goes well for me

  6. #6
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    A good way to start out is talking about freediving. Monofin swimming. Then maybe show some of the other mermen who are out there.
    Hi! I'm Sam, aka Mermaid Tula, aka Comatose Angel.
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    User previously know as "Comatose_Angel"

  7. #7
    Okay thank you and I'll try that also

  8. #8
    I remember I had made myself a tail back in 2009 and just wriggled into the room to show my family. My parents got a good laugh, but because they knew I was always into mermaids and swimming they ended up expecting it Be open about your interests in swimming, the ocean, and eventually mermaids. Don't be terribly pushy, but a good way to get them into the idea is to bring it up in conversation frequently, referencing big news in the mermaid/freediving community, and choosing interesting points to talk about that can interest everyone. Eventually they'll warm up to the idea (if they aren't to begin with) and when you come out letting them know you're more serious, they'll have a better understanding of what your interests and the community entails. I agree showing examples of popular mermen, especially tail makers who are extremely successful and talented to show that there are incredible people in the community who can actually make tons of money from a simple hobby Good luck!


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  9. #9
    Merman to merman, it's going to be a little bit weird at first. You're an eighteen year old guy, and this is usually regarded as for little girls. However, it's not as heavy as many other things you could be telling your parents. It's an interest that you have, and that means being a merman is part of who you are. If your parents truly love you, they'll accept it, even if they think it's ridiculous. I told my parents that I was a merman and here I am, five years later, tail and all. Plus, you're 18. When you get out of your parents' house, you can spend your money on whatever you want, not that that's a good thing per say, but if a tail is something you've wanted for a long time and you don't see that changing anytime soon, then go for it. More power to you. Good luck!

  10. #10
    Thank you for the advice! I actually plan on telling them here in a couple days and I think they should be fine with it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Merman_Spencer View Post
    Thank you for the advice! I actually plan on telling them here in a couple days and I think they should be fine with it.
    Be sure to tell us how it goes!

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    "There has got to be more to life than just being really, really, really ridiculously good-looking."
    -Derek Zoolander

  12. #12
    I sure will!

  13. #13
    Well, here is another idea. Have your parents meet other merfolk and well show them that you would not be the only man doing it. There may become more open to the fact that there are many mermen as well as mermaids out there and it takes two to make a merbaby. Haha, joke around and lighten the mood. king triton is a merman but they can be hot as well!
    I never knew my place in the world,but
    I found it here as a Merkin to everyone here.
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    I am Mer Reiko...

  14. #14
    My advice is just go and do it first before you tell your parents - Buy your tail, then organise a swim with some other Mers in your area (be they Mermen or Mermaids) who are not going to judge you for doing what you want. For me once I had that first swim with others to validate that it's ok to be a Merman then I felt much more confident about it and confident to do it on my own.
    Once you are already doing it you can say to them you are a Merman and they can accept it or not but you are still are a Merman and that it's a healthy pursuit as it makes you fitter and you meet new people.
    Member formerly known as leomar


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