So after like a ton of hemming and hawing I finally created a dedicated mermaiding Instagram to run my performer persona etc. It felt too personal to work from my personal account but the photos I got at my last shoot were so pretty I can't wait to share them!

I want to focus on body positivity as well as mermaiding. So many mermaids I've seen who have strong social media presences are also super thin, and that's also great but I can only be me, so that's what I'm doing!

Anyway, my Instagram is and I think I'll build the Facebook when I get a few more followers. (Right now I'm also looking at working with a mermaid company that doesn't really like personal pages) but it's just a place to put fun photos and just be a mermaid. Let me know what you guys think. I'd love suggestions on how to interact with people on social media and just how to stay active and positive in this space.

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