I have decided to sell my set of dragonskin silicone scales. 232 lavender scales, 26 of which are a darker lavender. 78 green scales, 26 of which are a darker shade of green. 87 Iridescent white scales. There are 71 half white half lavender scales, and 63 half green half lavender scales. There are 531 scales all together. This was enough scales for a full tail for myself with some leftover, I am 5'11" so there would be enough scales for a merman merman tail or even enough scales for a tail and a top. Some of the scaled are thicker than others due to slight inconsistency in the molds.
I also have my first attempt at a fluke, the two sides are out together but the opening is large enough to slide a monofin inside to be securely sealed. Whoever buys this could use drgonskin to add more designs as well as smooth out the edges.
If anyone is interested I am also willing to sell the two fiberglass scale molds, they are slightly warped, but work just as well for making scales, it only means there is variation in the scale thickness. They are in a box from moving but can easily be unpacked and shipped
I am also willing to sell my powermesh and the pigments used on the scales. The pigments are also in a box, but if I cannot find them I am happy to give the names of the pigments to anyone who needs them!
Scale Molds-$20
Power mesh-$10
*Prices do not include shipping*

If someone is interested in buying everything I would be happy to try and cut down the price some!