This was my unboxing back in November. I did not have a monofin yet, but here I am in all my after-work-and-tired-glory.
~*~ To Thine Own Mermaid Be True ~*~
~~~ Follow me on Facebook: Merlissa the Mermaid~~~
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Hey everybody, I figured I would post this here as well as on my youtube channel in case it is helpful for anyone. This is my review of my Gen 2 Fabric Tail. I wasn't sure if videos could go in the review section of the forums, so this seems like a good thread for it.
Hello, I am approving reviews over in the finfolk review section if you'd like to make one. You can leave an embedded video for your review as well. For information on how to post a review, and how to add pics or media, view this thread:
If anyone is interested in what a finfolk is like this is the video for you!
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Thank you! Your video is helping me look very seriously at a FinFolk neoprene tail!
I ordered finfolk fabric tails number three and four this year. I have Jupiter Jewel and the new All Hallow's Eve on order. My usual go-to color is blue so it feels weird having a couple of orange tails coming lol.