I cant work because of being too disabled to get a job so i live on disability. Here to represent jobless mers pride! Well...and that as nothing to do with it but speaking of pandemics i take all the care i can to protect myself since im in the fragile group but today i've just learn that i am suspected of having contracted covid right now thanks to all the people who don't give a shit about my frail health around me fuck my life i have more than enough of this virus. Happy to see that some at least are safer than I. People who have the power to do that please respect security consigns and advice others to do the same that's important to us now. It can save lives. I hope someday i'd be able to work in a real job, especially as a writer and i try my best to do so but before i must fight this thing and be alive. I hope i can and so can everyone with their own life difficulties.