
Posts: 229
02/23/11 09:47:34
Mike Van Daal has one of his tails. There is video of him swimming in it on youtube. It looks good on him. His was custom made for him.

Winged Mermaid

Posts: 899
02/24/11 14:10:01
I agree, the people I've seen who have custom tails from him (I've seen around 5 or more, can't remember names at the moment) look really good on them! Not baggy or wrinkly at all!


Posts: 41
03/07/11 00:18:00
His tails are so-so to me. I am not a fan of the sharp diamond-shape that the scales fall into on the flukes. Personal preference, though, and I agree that sometimes the tails look too baggy and not at all the best that they could.