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Thread: *waves* Hello everyone~! New mer here from NC

  1. #1

    *waves* Hello everyone~! New mer here from NC

    Greetings all beautiful mer-souls!

    Here's quite a bit of who I am and how my interest in mermaids began. It's going to be long and I apologize for it. I tend to talk a lot when I get excited about talking about myself. Heh heh... here goes:

    My human name is Astra. My mersona is Celestra. I've been trying to come up with some unique names that'd fit me while avoiding cliche names. Like "Star" for example, my name means star. Which was a bit tough because you'd want to name your character based off something you like but so much repeated names >.<
    Finally I thought I'd put "Celestial" and my name together. It sounded pretty, not very common and it resonated with me. I've added "Hydrangea" because I love flowers and hydrangeas are one of my faves. So "Hydra" meaning water, I thought it'd go nice with my mersona, being that she's all about the starry celestial-ness and flowers. Well also crystals and music too. I thought it would be cool to have healing powers through crystal energies and music. Hmm the healing crystal flower mermaid... umm yeah I'm still working on putting together my mersona.

    I'm from the queen city; Charlotte, North Carolina. I love to draw, play video games, collecting gemstones, plusies, magical crafty things, magical creatures, play music, gazing at the stars and moon, and cosplaying.
    I am... completely new to this part of the world. I had never known this kind of thing existed as far as people dressing up and performing as mers.
    I'm 29 years old and just now finding out that a community of people all around the world are living their dreams of becoming mermaids and mermen. I may be an adult but all young at heart. Like I even act like it sometimes and people think I'm a high school teen because of my youthful energy, optimism, and carrying like this innocent vibe.
    I've watched "The Little Mermaid" when I was about 4. Though I watched a bunch of other Disney movies as well. I never really had thoughts of "I wish I could be a mermaid", but more like... "I wish I could breathe underwater. I wish I could fly. I wish I could be as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog. I wish I could have healing powers." as I grew up. From when I was like 7, my family and I would go to the beach and afterwards we would go and stay a night or 2 with my great grandma (which she lived not far from the beach) and I would pretend her whole house was the coral reef and I'd walk around the house with swim goggles on and pretend I'd swim through the reef.

    I have not had a beach vacation in years now. (*sniffle sniffle*)
    I only got a chance to at least "see" the beach when visiting my older sister in California back in October 2018.

    Seeing that a lot of people have some kind of swimming background, I have none. I have no swimming experience at all.
    I've been thinking to myself... "Well I'm a water element! Why haven't I been around my type of environment? Or doing anything water related?"
    I've always felt that I was a water type because of the colors that I like, and in any game I always choose water/ice based characters.
    My 3 brothers' (that I live with) elements are Earth, Fire and Air. My dad always have said we were unique seeing that we had developed into the elements that we liked and our each individual personalities fit into each element.

    Whenever I look at beautiful islands and beach resorts I've always had this longing feeling of wanting to swim in those crystal clear waters. I thought to myself "When I get married I will learn how to swim and totally dress up as a Mermaid for the honeymoon whichever beach we go"
    However I never knew people actually do this "mermaiding". I've only seen Ariel cosplays at cons but not of where anyone was their own mermaid/merman character.

    Last summer of 2018, I went to a bookstore to find some gemstone books and an interesting fantasy book that would grab me. I saw one book that had a mermaid on the front cover and I was like "huh... it's not often you'd find mermaid stories" it intrigued me. That book was called "Deep Blue" by Jennifer Donnelly and I absolutely fell in love with it, and it brought my interest in merfolk up higher. I looked online to see what the characters in Deep Blue looked like and then... Google Images popped up these professional mermaids and from there I dived deeper and my eyes grew wide with wonder!

    I was nervous to tell my parents about "mermaiding" at first... but it turns out... They absolutely support it and encourage me to do it!! How wonderful and awesome is that? After telling them my goals, ideas, and what I plan to do; they are on-board for it and will help me make my dreams come true. My parents are so looking forward to seeing me in a tail.

    I don't have a tail yet and I don't know how to swim ^_^;
    Seeing these mermaids have motivated me.
    My primary goal is to find a pool and an instructor and start learning how to swim. Of course I'm not gonna rush... just taking my time and going my pace.
    I've been researching a lot over these past couple months about where to start, what kind of tail and monofin to start with for beginners.
    I've been watching a lot of Courtney, Raina, Nerdmaid Faith, and the Mermaid Seamstress, and Aquamermaid, as it seemed like their videos were top search results for my questions as far as reviews on mermaid tails and monofins. There were also other mermaid videos out there that I've watched like Phantom, and Mist. So many awesome people!

    I came across Mernetwork by Google searching "tail making companies" and the top result took me to a page on Mernetwork that had a list of all the tail makers. I think one of the mermaids in their vids mentioned something about Mernetwork. Anyways I'm planning on starting out with a Fin Fun tail.

    I could add more but I think that'll do for the start of my introduction. I'm so happy to be a part of an awesome community who aims to keep the magic in everyone's hearts. Looking forward to starting a brand new journey of my life and making mer friends.
    Last edited by Celestra Hydrangea; 04-22-2019 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Pod of The South Slim's Avatar
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    Jan 2017
    Welcome to the Mernetwork

    Sent from my iPad using MerNetwork mobile app
    When you make the impossible become possible, that when the magic happens!

    Survivor of cyberbullies

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by the.tattooed.mermaid78 View Post

    Sent from my [device_name] using MerNetwork mobile app
    Thanks ^_^

  6. #6
    Senior Member Chesapeake Pod Merman Dan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Piedmont Triad, NC
    Welcome! There are loads of NC mermaids and mermen, some of whom live in Charlotte. Me, I'm over in Greensboro, I swim at GAC (Greensboro Aquatic Center), and I shop for crystals at Eclectic By Nature. I found MerNetwork years ago, when googling around for new players for my undersea D&D game. You do not need a tail, if you are a mermaid in your heart!
    (Formerly known as Æolius)

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Merman Dan View Post
    Welcome! There are loads of NC mermaids and mermen, some of whom live in Charlotte. Me, I'm over in Greensboro, I swim at GAC (Greensboro Aquatic Center), and I shop for crystals at Eclectic By Nature. I found MerNetwork years ago, when googling around for new players for my undersea D&D game. You do not need a tail, if you are a mermaid in your heart!

    Wow cool!
    About a month ago I've looked for any mermaid cons around the area... so MerMania happens in Greensboro... where you are! Haha. I might go to it one day.
    Crystal collector too? Niice~
    Yes you're right. I am a mermaid in my heart. In that case I'm a fairy as well lol. Thanks Merman Dan!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Chesapeake Pod Merman Dan's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Piedmont Triad, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Celestra Hydrangea View Post
    In that case I'm a fairy as well lol.
    Merfaeries rule! I have purple sea fan wings I wear at FaerieCon!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Merman Dan View Post
    Merfaeries rule! I have purple sea fan wings I wear at FaerieCon!
    That's awesome! I would love to go to a faeriecon one day. I've recently went to a small local anime con (actually 2 weeks ago) so my apologies for the late reply


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