The other day I was getting ready to go for a swim in my Spellbound tail from Mertailor, and found three rather large tears in the monofin.
They are in the foot pad part of the monofin. Two are right at the wall between the two foot pockets, and one is closer to the center of the foot pocket. The two tears near the wall extending almost to the monofin toe.
I contracted Mertailor customer service about this. They said they had never seen this before. I thought it was maybe because I had a large foot. But the Mertailor foot pocket is sized for up to size 13, and I am size 11.5. My foot width is 0.1 inches wider than a size D, and size D is average for a man. 0.1 inches would hardly be an issue. I took other measurements of my foot, such as circumference about the arch, about the ball, and the heal diagonal, and all are about average for a size 11.5 foot. In other words, my foot is not abnormally wide or thick, its average.

I do know the foot pockets are so tight that they hurts my feet, and I can only wear the tail for about 30 minutes before the pain becomes unbearable. Also, despite using lube on both my foot and in the foot pocket, it is a struggle to get my foot in there. With all the lube, the foot pocket wants to squirt my foot right back out. This leads my to think that although the foot pockets are certainly long enough for a size 13 foot, they are oddly narrow. Like, you have to be a AAA for them to fit well.

Mertailor gave me no instructions on how to fix this, nor did they offer to do so for me. Perhaps they not know how to fix this type of problem, as it is new to them. They also have no suggestions on how I can keep it from happening again, or how I can stop the foot pockets giving me pain. They have also stopped answering my e-mail.

What I have been doing is slowly, bit by bit, gluing the tears back together with GE silicone I. Ive used GE silicone I before on the foot strap, with good results. It was recommended by Mertailor for the foot straps. Going forward, I'm not sure what to do. I can keep repairing it as needed, or I can try cutting the monofin foot pockets out and replace them, or just toss the entire tail.

Anyone have any ideas?