Based on some favorite mermaids' reviews, I sprang for a Finis Luna. Really nice, molded in one piece silicone, adjustable, translucent, pretty colors, nice flow, even fits inside the FinFun tailskins...

sized for Tinkerbelle. Though one size 11 mer can fit in them fine (she has long narrow feet, I have very wide feet with arthritic toe base).

I MacGuyvered that with hair bands extending the heel strap and it works.

I have never had it in extreme temps, and only in a pool and a Delaware Bay beach. I have cared for it with tender loving care for a month.

Then, at an event, someone whose foot size matched the fin well, tried it on and the strap not only broke, but it broke the side of the heel pocket. Pwang! Split right off. No one was pulling on it unduly, it was being used in a normal fashion,. and ...

(poor kid was like, "OMG what do I owe you for this?!?!?")

Um, no, it shouldn't have done that. I did contact WalMart's online customer care (where I ordered it) and there's a hoopla of "third party sellers etc etc... who should contact me... blah blah blah"... hopefully I can get it replaced or refunded.

Meanwhile, has anyone else broken one? Did you fix it? Can you fix silicone? I thought of (worst case scenario) gluing a heel strap (neoprene) on with E6000.