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Thread: I feel like a bother messaging tail makers :(

  1. #1

    I feel like a bother messaging tail makers :(

    How often is it appropriate to message tail makers? I ordered a custom hybrid tail in April, and it hasn't been finished yet, which, I get the long timeframe, I'm not her only client I'm sure... I message the seller every month or so for updates but I still feel like a bother. Since I'm pretty sure the tail won't fit anymore (I developed a thyroid disorder and put on about 30 pounds since commissioning), I commissioned a custom fabric tail from another maker, but now she hasn't responded to me in two weeks - I sent my payment, measurements and Mahina fin size on the 21st, and have messaged a few times after that with no response. Am I pushy? I just want a tail, but I've waited so long I want to give up... I don't know what to do anymore.

  2. #2
    what was the projected turnaround time? 6 months seems like a long time for a hybrid tail.
    who is the tail maker?
    Take the wave now and know that you're free
    Turn your back on the land face the sea
    Face the wind now so wild and so strong
    When you think of me
    Wave to me and send me a song

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaylennMurúch View Post
    what was the projected turnaround time? 6 months seems like a long time for a hybrid tail.
    who is the tail maker?
    Purple Mermaid Studios. She's got a lot of projects going on, switching her hybrid tails to dragonskin silicone and making full silicone tails. She's not taking commissions anymore either, as far as I know. Plus mine was a difficult design, so I don't blame her at all! I just don't want to put pressure on her, I've seen her work and it's beautiful so I don't want her to think I'm rushing her.

    She just got back to me and said she's hoping to have all orders done by the end of the month 🤞 even if it doesn't fit I'm going to work my size down to it!


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