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Thread: Hello, new Mer joining the Mer world

  1. #1

    Hello, new Mer joining the Mer world

    Hello I am a new Mer just starting out in my journey and still working on creating my character mersona and backstory. I will post what I have created so far, would like some input and suggestions if you have any. I am saving up for a tail from mertailor. This is the first persona I have ever created and completly created a complete character, history and backstory for, so I would like any input you have as I work on creating her.

    Here is my backstory so far:

    I have decided on the name Asteria for my mersona name. And that I am from Wales England.
    My cousin wants to be a siren but we’re going to be friends like sisters. I’m going with the backstory that I was born at sea but was put on land because my mom (who I am going to call Linda after my own deceased mom as a tribute to her) had to go away I wasn’t sure how long she was going to be so she put me on land, at my current foster mom's house Fran. She asked my cousin to keep an eye out on me make sure I was safe and also cast a spell on me to ensure I wouldn’t turn into a mermaid or grow a tail. When I was 12 years old, I went exploring some sea caves in Ireland, since we were on vacation there, and stumbled across the moon pool where my cousin who was charged with watching over me was waiting and with red glowing eyes she kept telling me to come on into the water everything will be fine. I entered into the water of the moon pool on the night of the full moon in there by breaking the spell of my mother and turning into a mermaid, but still have the ability to walk on land as well, as im a selkie (mermaid that can walk on land) I kept this a secret from my foster mom for a while eventually till I lost control of my mermaid powers by sneezing and Fran couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me so wanted to call in a doctor. After that I came clean to Fran and told her what had happened in Ireland in the sea cliffs, about my birth mother that I had found about from my cousin, and how I came to be on their front door all those years ago.

    I had become good friends with several people while on land, and one of them accidentally caught me growing a tail because I got wet and couldn’t get dry fast enough. This person was my best friend, and once she found out about my secret she was upset that I had lied to her for all this time. I asked her how I can make things up to her, and she said help her become a mermaid and all will be forgiven, so on the next full moon we planned another trip to Ireland. I showed her where things had happened and when full moon time came, we both entered the pool, and thus my best land-girl friend was now my best mermaid friend.

  2. #2
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