Hi. Im french so here this virus stuff seem more controlled than in the us but as i am in the at risk group being disabled i m totally paranoïd with corona. I go out as few as i can to be honest let alone to the pool but it lacks me a lot if it wasnt for it with the heat wave right now where am i i d be in pool every second of my existence. And alas people here also protest against basic hygiene mesure even the ones that were already basic good manners before this Pandemic like wash your hands...weirdly some people seem to be even more unconscious with this hygiène stuff than before as some kind of i dont know contestation spirit maybe. Well i already had to hear 24h/24h 7j/7 the awful « dont worry this virus only kill the disabled and the old » prevention message of our gouvernement every day in this pandemic which translate to my ears to « do fear this eugenist politicians they dont care about your life at all » and confront to all of my less sheltered than me friends catching it, my great mother dying (not from virus but from lacks of medical staff she needed in cardiology because of hospital overload so indirectly yes), all of friends survived it refused to hospital and doctors with only herbal médecine from their mothers to help (im from a broke background so are most of my friends especially the closest true ones) and most survived it with no consequences but one asthmatic had her lung a bit more damaged by that than they already were...fuck that’ s my bff. And now second wave is near...and all i can do is pray. I hate this whole situation when will it finally end? Well That was hellish but i feel lack no right to complain more than that since most people i know had it worse than me over all with this corona stuff. After all our grand parents survived wwi and wwii it would be unfair to their memory to lose smile and hope for a mere world epidemic (especially as with the spanish flu they knew that too). On the other hand i think those protests are white racist stuff for what i see asian, african and arab friends seems way more prudent and respectful on average around me for one reason or another. Well good all eugenism as always. As a disabled jew well, i m just gonna take all the care i can for my health and the one of those around me and stay as optimistic as i can since in émergencies like this its a duty to be so. Therefore i long for the day i can come back to the pool free of any of this worries and having learn from this évents how to be a stronger and more useful person and the most lovely pool mer i can become.