Sounds fun, right? Well, let's find out together as I launch Mer-Made LLC.

Let's start with some questions:

Q: Heck are you?
A: Hi, I'm OrcaMatt, you might remember me from mer.yuku or the early years of the forum as 'the guy who keeps talking about making this awesome orca tail but never does it'. I haven't been super-active the last few years but I'm trying to get back a bit.

Q: It's been literally a decade. Did you make the orca tail?
A: No. It's still on the list though, and it's going to be /awesome/

So what's Mer-Made LLC?
Mer-Made LLC is a custom tail printing company (and tail design marketplace, but that comes later in the story)
This feels different from a traditional tailmaking company because I'm not doing any designs myself. I am 100% not an artist and nobody, me included, wants me designing a tail for them. So what are we doing, exactly? Mer-Made LLC is going to print designs that customers have done, sew them, and ship them. Since I'm not an artist, we won't be hosting any pre-made designs (this changes a bit as we progress).

This has actually been going on since February in one form or another, but I didn't think to start a thread until now.

So, what would people be interested in hearing about?

I mean, I've been thinking about business insurance today. Super-exciting stuff lol. I'll do some smaller updates with the more interesting milestones....sure nobody is that interested in how I registered for the LLC (LegalZoom, using their Registered Agent because YOLO) or how my first call with the tax advisory people went (Was kind of 'meh', actually, not sure this service is going to be worth $100/month and thinking of canceling)

Definitely happy to answer questions and I'll try and be as transparent as I can.