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Thread: Mermaids in Austin area!

  1. #1
    Junior Member Pod of Texas
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Cedar Park, Texas

    Talking Mermaids in Austin area!

    Hi! I'm looking for other merfolk to swim with in Austin! I live near Cedar Park and have been to a few lake and river spots around me with friends, but not with other merfolk! I can show you some spots near me, we can meet at one of yours, or we can find somewhere new to try out with our tails!

    Also, my 2 best friends just moved out of Austin, so I'm in need of people to go swimming with, tails or not!

    Post on this thread or send me a message if you're also interested in going swimming in Austin (or outside of Austin, I'd be willing to drive a little bit)! We can definitely do a phone/video call before meeting up!

    (And if this post is months/years old, post on it anyways! I'm probably still in Austin and probably still looking for friends to swim with!)

  2. #2
    Hello! I’m not sure if your still around the area or active but I live around the Houston area and visit the Dallas area at times, I’d love to see if you are up to getting to know each other and maybe taking a swim if your still around!

  3. #3
    Junior Member Pod of Texas
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Cedar Park, Texas
    Awesome! I'll send you a private message!

  4. #4
    Junior Member Pod of Texas selkie.astraea's Avatar
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    TX, or a bit more north, depends on time of year

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    hello! i now go to school out of state, but in the summer i only live about 45 minutes-1 hr away from austin, so if you ever have a mer-meetup arranged id love to join <3

  5. #5
    I''m a new mermaid in the Leander/Cedar Park area! I know it's a long shot on if you will even see my reply but I'm interested! I'd also love to hear of any places in the area you know of that allow swimming with tails, I'm having bad luck so far lol

  6. #6
    Senior Member Pod of Texas
    Pod of The South
    Mermaid Pickles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    In the general area of Webster and Clear Lake in Texas
    Hey, I’m in the Houston area, and while I don’t currently have a working car, when I do, I would also be down to hang out!

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