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Thread: Mermaid Birgitta Heinsdotter's sad end

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    Mermaid Birgitta Heinsdotter's sad end

    Mermaid Birgitta Heinsdotter's sad end

    The Mermaid Birgitta Heinsdotter is 44 years old when she finally has a cub. She is both very happy and a little sad about it. It is exciting to have a cub of your own. The pity is that the father is not here. He has shown no interest at all in the fact that Birgitta is pregnant. And yet they mated and everything seemed to be fine.

    As I said, Birgitta is 44 years old and her now normal hair color is silver gray like an old woman's. She doesn't like that color and has dyed her hair dark red. Not screaming red but more brown-red.

    The fact that she normally has silver-grey hair is partly due to the genes, but also to the fact that she has lived a relatively hard life. Birgitta's mother was harsh but fair. Unfortunately, she was chased by a mermaid hunter and disappeared when Birgitta was only 15 years old. Birgitta still misses her mother a lot even though it was so long since they saw each other.

    The father was a member of a large merman board and was not at home much. The board created a lot of rules for the merfolk. Some good while others quite unnecessary. The father is also no longer alive but he died due to his old age.

    Birgitta has lion-yellow coloured scales with hints of gold. She is very happy with it. The fish tail does not have such a nice color but is more gray-black. It is, however, larger than mermaids' usual tails usually are.

    Birgitta lives in Jämjö. She doesn't like living there very much. She always has to go to town when she wants to transform and swim in the great ocean. Yes, she has a giant plastic pool in the basement, but it's nowhere near swimming in the open ocean.

    Birgitta loves to swim in the sea and her best friend is called Fia. The two usually talk to each other a lot. Fia's parents burned down a few years ago and Birgitta comforted her as best she could. She knows firsthand what it's like to lose her parents.

    Birgitta's best day was when she met Robert. He was a quiet merman and there were sparks between them from day one. And not only that. Robert had the right chromosomes, which means that there will hopefully have children after mating.

    Just a few days after they met, things started happening in Birgitta's body. In her cloaca there are two special glands. They produce a substance that smells very good to both humans and mermen. Soon birgitta goes into mating mode and releases that scent.

    Robert of course goes completely crazy with lust and it doesn't take long before he sticks his manhood in Birgitta's cloaca. It should be nice for her, but the cloaca is a bit tight and Robert is very eager and thrusts the penis quite hard.

    Birgitta thus gets a little pain in her cloca, but she wants to have children so badly that she shows no discomfort. A little semen comes out of the cloaca but it's not very much so she doesn't care. After all, the pairing feels nice.

    Robert is very kind and nice to Birgitta. However, things change after just over a month. Birgitta now knows that she is pregnant and she proudly tells Robert. But he suddenly becomes cold and disinterested when he finds out that she is pregnant.

    Birgitta waits because she thinks that maybe Robert wasn't ready to hear this right now. So she postpones the whole thing. A few weeks later, she tries again with the same result. It's the same next month too.

    Birgitta begins to wonder if Robert's lack of interest is about Corona. That he becomes afraid that she will become infected and lose her young. Birgitta hasn't been out with so many people and when she shops, she has always worn a face mask since mating to avoid getting infected.

    After a few months, Fia curiously asks who the father is, and Birgitta actually wants to answer the question, but she is afraid that Fia might do something stupid to Robert if she finds out that he is the father, so she keeps quiet.

    In the last week before Birgitta has to be a mermaid until the baby is born, she looks for Robert. But he seems to have left. Someone who knows him says that he went to Denmark to be at peace.

    Birgitta is incredibly disappointed and feels that she will have difficulty trusting mermen in the future. Even if she will never meet someone with the right chromosomes again.

    She gets home to her home in Jämjö and waits to give birth. She has solved this thing with the plastic pool perfectly. She can empty the water herself and refill with new water without the slightest help from anyone else. It makes her proud. But she wishes Robert was here.

    The days and weeks go by. Birgitta's stomach is getting rounder and rounder. Sometimes she feels the kid kicking in there. It's a wonderful feeling. Unfortunately, she has no one to share her joy with.

    Finally, the time has come. She knows it will happen today. A long wait is almost over.

    The fin over the hole where the young comes out opens and lies almost flat against the cloaca. Birgitta moans and waits for the amniotic fluid to break and the contractions to begin. She is impatient and above all annoyed that Robert is not here. The kid also seems impatient and moves a little from time to time. Every movement is felt in Birgitta's body.

    As Birgitta lies there in the pool, she thinks she hears a noise from upstairs. She listens intently. It was probably nothing important.

    The amniotic fluid is flowing. It's like a geyser and it's forcefully spurting out of her hole. It's like it never wants to end. It lands in many places on her body with a loud splash and in the fresh tap water in the pool. The water in the pool becomes slimy and sticky from the amniotic fluid. Some of it still flows from the hole into the pool and mixes with what is already there.

    The amniotic fluid has the same consistency as syrup and is at almost the same temperature as Birgitta's own body. So about 37 degrees. The amniotic fluid is colorless just like normal water.

    Birgitta can feel the amniotic fluid sticking to her skin, but she has important things to think about. It's time to give birth.

    There is again some noise from upstairs. Not at all a good time with guests right now. Birgitta feels very uncomfortable and exposed. She moves slightly out of displeasure.

    She feels the hole widen and the first pains come. She cringes gently. Her father always said that you have to give the body the time it needs during birth and that it is not good to squeeze too much at once. It can feel more unpleasant then.

    Birgitta doesn't know how much of the baby has come out yet, but it doesn't feel like it came out that much. Another pain and she writhes again. The kid was definitely moved forward, albeit slowly. Good.

    Someone is coughing upstairs. Birgitta growls in frustration. Can't they just leave her alone right now? She bites down and tries to concentrate on giving birth. Maybe she should push a little so it goes faster?

    Birgitta feels that the hole widens even more. It should be easier to push the kid out, in other words. When the pain comes, she cringes again. Slowly slowly more of the kid comes out. She tries to turn her head a little so she can see the kid. Yes, she can see it now. It is of course in an amniotic sac.

    Birgitta is surprised at how little of the child has come out. The kid is obviously big. The question is whether it is not a merman she is giving birth to. They are usually significantly larger than mermaids already when they are born.

    Birgitta takes a break and breathes deeply. She takes some of the water from the pool on her face to cool her face a bit. Her face is already sweaty from the crunch. Because the amniotic fluid was mixed in the pool, Birgitta's face and hands get a little sticky, but it can be washed off later.

    A new pain and Birgitta cringes again. It feels like the kid is coming out a little more, even if it's not much. Birgitta intends to hold on until it is out. Thats how it is. A new pain comes and she writhes again.

    A thump is heard from the stairs. Birgitta sees the silhouette of someone coming down. Great, great timing. She tilts her head. Imagine if it's Robert coming down the stairs. But in that case he should have said something. So Birgitta knew it was him.

    Birgitta feels that the hole widens even more. It stretches back there. A new pain and Birgitta winces at the same time as she makes an involuntary half-roar. A few seconds later another pain comes and she writhes again. The hole widens even more. It hurts back there.

    Birgitta turns her head and looks. The kid has come out maybe halfway. It's just a matter of pressing. A snapping sound is heard from the stairs and Birgitta turns around. She sees the person over by the stairs standing and looking at her. It's not Robert. Soon another person comes down. They stand and stare at her.

    A new, stronger pain comes and Birgitta grabs and wriggles from her toes. The child comes out more, but at the same time Birgitta feels that milk was spurting from the teats while she was squeezing. It shouldn't be able to happen. Probably the baby slides against the milk-hardened teats or it is because the hole has widened so much that it affects the teats.

    There's a new strong pain and Birgitta cringes again. It squirts more amniotic fluid from the hole and milk from the teats when she squeezes. She sees the milk and amniotic fluid mixing in the tap water in the pool. The milk is almost as thick as lightly whipped cream. It almost floats on the surface like cream does in a plate of rose hip soup.

    Another strong pain shakes Birgitta's body. This pain is the strongest yet and she roars right out as she writhes. More milk spurts powerfully from the teats but at the same time she feels that the whole baby is coming out now. There is a splash when it lands in the water.

    The people over by the stairs look very curious and start walking towards the plastic pool where Birgitta is lying. She hisses angrily at them and turns to face her newborn cub.

    It is still in its amniotic sac. It keeps trying to get out. After a few seconds, the kid succeeds in breaking the membrane and can take his first real breath. Birgitta smiles happily at the kid. Soon the baby is completely out of its amniotic sac.

    Birgitta was right. It was a merman that she gave birth to. Birgitta notices that she is bleeding a little from the hole, but it is not so strange considering that the kid was so big.

    Even more amniotic fluid flows out of the hole along with some blood. It's not that much and the flow stops soon. The water in the pool no longer looks very clean with all the milk and amniotic fluid and now the blood that is there now. Birgitta doesn't understand how there can be so much amniotic fluid, but it's nothing she can influence.

    - What was she doing?
    - She gave birth to a kid, you see?
    - Such a noise she did there at the end
    - It must have hurt.
    - Damn how dirty her pool water is.
    - And you think your own birth was clinically clean?

    The kid has found the teats and is buffing them. Birgitta squirts the milk into the child's mouth. It goes really fast. The two people stand and watch the whole thing. This should be very private and Birgitta feels very vulnerable.

    The one person bends down and angles his hand so that he gets the milk Birgitta squirts into his hand. He waits until his hand is full and then he throws the milk almost in the other person's face. The person who gets it flinches and gets angry.

    Of course, Birgitta also gets angry. Collect her milk for the kid to have and throw it at someone who doesn't need it. Such unnecessary waste.

    - What the hell are you doing? I don't want her milk on my face. Take and film and photograph instead of acting stupid.
    - Lol. You should have seen your face. Is her placenta coming out too?
    - No, they don't work like us. The baby is in an amniotic sac and that seems to be enough for them.

    Birgitta eats the baby's amniotic sac after giving the baby milk. The one person who is right behind Birgitta looks a little sick of what he sees. He looks away at the wall instead.

    - Oh damn. She eats that. So fucking disgusting.
    - The animals usually do it. Take her cub now.

    The other person who thought it was disgusting when Birgitta ate the amniotic sac grabbed the newborn baby. Birgitta sees it and becomes furious. She almost knocks over the plastic pool when she tries to save her cub. The person has the kid just out of Birgitta's reach.

    Birgitta quickly turns towards the other person and she tries to grab the person's leg so she can knock him over. But he's too far away so she can't quite reach.

    Birgitta wildly splashes her fish tail and roars loudly at the two people who have invaded her home and who have her young that she just gave birth to. She knows that Merman cubs are very special and certainly worth something to those who hunt merfolk.

    But she certainly isn't going to give up on these invaders. It's her kid and not theirs. The person who took her cub puts it back in the water. Birgitta quickly swims over to the kid and checks to make sure it's okay. It seems to be fine.
    - Why did you give the kid back to her?

    - It felt as if it peed on me.
    - But seriously. Are you picky or what?
    - I don't like being peed on.
    - But you think i like her milk on me huh?
    - Eh Nevermind.

    One person has a metallic rod in his hand, which he begins to poke into Birgitta's scaly skin. It hurts and with each sting Birgitta roars with anger and pain. Blood from the puncture wounds begins to flow into the water, coloring it red. The other person films and photographs in the meantime.

    - Look how fun it is to tease her. As much fun as I'm having now, it's been a long time since I've had for a long time.
    - Should I film more or is this enough?
    - Continue a little more. This is going to be really fun.
    - How angry she is. Worst angry pig.
    - They are very easy to anger.

    Birgitta suddenly recognizes one of the persons. Its the one with the metallic rod. This person owns that ice cream parlor in town. He also owns several properties.

    Why is he interested in me and my child? Why is he hurting me? Is he enjoying this?

    - That's enough filming for a while. Take her cub and carry it to the stairs. I want to see her reaction.

    The person who photographed and filmed places his camera and video camera on a nearby table. He walks up to the plastic pool where Birgitta and the kid are. It doesn't take long before he starts reaching for the kid.

    Birgitta gets pissed off and tears the person's arms, but it doesn't help. He manages to grab the kid and carries him to the stairs. Birgitta runs wild and roars with anger. The other person stabs her again with the stick.

    Birgitta squirms around and manages to get hold of the stick and she jerks as hard as she can. The person holding the stick loses his balance and ends up with a thud on the floor. He groans. Birgitta shouts shrillly at her youngster. It answers weakly from the stairs.

    Birgitta gets hold of the person lying on the floor and tears him hard with her sharp claws. He starts bleeding. She tears him even more with her claws. The person over by the stairs has reacted and he is inside the boiler room and seems to be looking for something.

    - You let go of Sverker at once. Do you hear that you bastard.

    The person comes out of the boiler room at the same time as he shouts at Birgitta. He has a big ax in his hand.

    Please. Not my kid. Spare it. Take me instead.

    The person with the ax ignores the kid and moves quickly towards her and the other person who is still on the ground. She still has her claws in his skin.

    The person swings the ax and it hits the bottom of Birgitta's fishtail. It hurts like hell but she doesn't let go of the person she has in her clutches.

    The person swings the ax again and it again hits the bottom of Birgitta's fishtail. This time the pain is so great that she passes out for a few seconds. When she opens her eyes again, she sees that the water turns blood red very quickly. Soon all the water is blood red. She turns around and sees that her fish tail has been cut off. It lies there in the water, bobbing.

    Blood gushes from the hole where the fishtail was before. Birgitta understands that will die very soon. The last thing she sees before she dies is Sverker's ugly smile. He looks like he's laughing. Her last thoughts are that the child should live.

    Let my kid live. Let it l..i..v....e......

  2. #2
    Birgitta seems like a strong and resilient character in tunnel rush. Despite a difficult past with a missing mother and a father who wasn't very present, she persevered.

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