The "I just had a photo shoot!"/sharing photoshoots thread!

We all love taking pictures of ourselves or others in-tail, and we all love sharing with others and seeing others share their photos! There's also that "I just had a photo shoot!" excitement where you want to share your new pics with everyone! This is the place! Just in time for the summer mer photo craze!

Please post no more than 5 medium-largish images per post, preferably no more than 10 per shoot!
Link as many as you want, or use as many thumbnails as you'd like if your photo host provides BB coding for such.

Also a great alternative for sharing whole shoots is uploading to a photo host (such as Photobucket) and sharing the link for the whole album. Make sure to check your security on the album so everyone can see!

A great photo option that Facebook has is that if you go to the actual album and scroll down to the bottom, it will say, "Want to share your album? You can give friends or relatives this link:" and give you a URL below that. If you link or paste this to share anyone can see your album, even if they are not friends with you. They will, however, not be able to comment, like, share, ect unless they fit within your security parameters you have set for said album.This way you can share the whole album by linking! That will help save on scrolling within the pages of this thread as well as allow you to share as many pictures as you want!

Now lets see how you guys work it in your merfolk photo shoots!