Hello! Just reading through all of the hair care tips, and I have one to offer myself. As someone who has had long hair for a long time (I seriously have attachment issues with it. I cut it once and cried for a few weeks about it) and that colours A LOT (I am naturally blonde and dye it red. Hello re-growth that looks grey!), the absolute best thing I have found that helps my hair,along with the oiling, spraying and making sure you look after pH balances on your scalp, is to ALWAYS rinse your hair with cold water. If you can stand it, you should be washing and conditioning your hair in cold water. Heat makes the hair open up and lose colour molecules, cold water keeps them closed. This has always helped my hair keep some colour and not get too damaged for repetative washing after swimming.

As for the swimming itself and keeping colour. Oil. Oil, oil, oil. Before and after. Oil repels water. Do it before you swim and it will help repel the water from getting to your hair. After swimming, once you have rinsed your hair with a good quality (no supermarket cheap products please!) shampoo and applied the conditioner for a really long time (usually double the recommended), oil it again. It doesn't have to be a heavy coat of oil, but your hair will be vulnerable for a while after you swim. Just like your skin takes a while to recover after swimming, so does your hair. Protect it as much as you can!!
