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Thread: Greetings!

  1. #1


    Hello! I'm Jade, and I'm a college student hailing from Illinois and attending school in Ohio. This morning I found out about "professional mermaids" and after hours of reading blogs and looking through websites it felt like one of my childhood dreams had just come true!

    I'm 20 years old, and have always loved mythology and mythical creatures. While dragons were my favorite, mermaids held a special place in my heart. I've always wanted the ability to breathe underwater over the ability to fly, and would pretend I was all manner of sea creatures while swimming in pools/the small lake I live on, including (if not especially!) mermaids. Although I'm probably not as good at it now, I'd perfected swimming with a dolphin kick at a young age for that very purpose (:

    I don't own a tail yet, but I hope to make my own soon. I'm a poor college student so it'll just be swimsuit material over a monofin (and decorations), but I'm excited nonetheless. I won't be able to start constructing it for a few more weeks however, sadly, as I'm leaving for family vacation on saturday (no time for a monofin to ship before we're gone! Alas!).

    Hmm, what else. I took swimming lessons from age 4-12 and diving lessons for a summer after that. Living on a small lake, I swim every sumer, plus family trips to the ocean some years. I've always loved swimming and been comfortable in water, and making my own tail will give me something fun and new to practice! Not to mention I'm working on getting better at crafting things, especially sewing. Earlier this summer I made two plush giant squids, and I'm currently working on making my halloween costume with a friend (Jessie from Team Rocket of pokemon). I've also altered a hoodie and added features so it resembles a dragon, and made a pair of 5-foot+ movable dragon wings.

    I love to read and write, and am an avid photographer. I'm a lover of reptiles and cephalopods as well, especially squids (ESPECIALLY especially Giant Space Squids).

    I feel like I've already talked too much, so I'll just end here. It's so awesome to find you all!! Hope to meet some of you personally (well, as personal as online gets) soon (:

  2. #2
    Welcome Jade! Dragons are a favorite of mine as well (and you're probably familiar with the mythological dragon kings of the Far East, who ruled the seas and whose beautiful children often filled the roles or had an appearance similar to Western mermaids... or at least to sea nymphs). I also don't have a tail yet, and I agree that it is hard to argue with the coolness of reptiles and cephalopods.

  3. #3
    Indeed!! I've always loved how dragons have represented so many elements in mythology--fire, air, and water. Though I've read several more modern tales connecting them with earth as well, that one seems less popular in history (:

  4. #4
    Giant Space Squids! Woohoo, yeah!

    For my novel, The Accidental Mermaid, go to
    Coming in 2014: ​Spindrift

  5. #5
    Welcome to MerNetwork, Jade! Glad you found us and begin on your mermaid journey!

  6. #6
    Thanks!! I'm looking forward to getting to know people here (:

  7. #7
    Oh, I don't know, Earth seems to be very well represented... the Dragon Lines in China are an example, with a similar concept to Western Ley lines, and the common setting of Western Dragons in caves and hoarding gems and precious metals and minerals suggests Earth as well. The wyrms are clearly a shared root with worms, and Chinese dragons have both land dragons and underground dragons (in addition to celestial and sea and spirit/air/river dragons).

  8. #8
    Hmm, I suppose the hoarding of gems could represent a connection to earth, I never thought about it that way. Western dragons have always seemed very fire-y to me. I tend to think of wyrms as separate from dragons (same with wyverns) but there's certainly a connection there (: I didn't know there were underground Chinese dragons! That's exciting, I'll have to look them up

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

  10. #10


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