Ok, Supper excited. I've been talking with Moon, and We want to put together a meet up the first weekend of October. We are going to be meeting up at the Bagby Hot Springs just south of Oregon City right next to Portland. Would be REALLY awesome if we could get some more mers to come along. I know theres a meet up this weekend (Sept. 22nd). But I think it would be fun to hit a hot spring. The spring stretches over a mile and a half trail, and there is a small hike depending on where we decide to go. There are 2 swimming spots, 1 at half mile and another at 1 mile, but there is also a tub area at the end of the trail (1 1/2 miles). If anyone is interested in going, we are looking at being there just before noon. The more mers we can get to go, the better
This is just one of the spots you can stop to swim along the trail