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Thread: Painting with Lumiere

  1. #1

    Unhappy Painting with Lumiere

    So I about to get all of my lycra and paint for my first tail, and I have a huge huge question to ask those that have been working with Lumiere.
    So my partner and I are fighting on what color of lycra to get, my top I had use was whit, so said white, but I have a feeling not to get white and get like a dark blue or green only due to we are airbrushing it all on, so my first question is what color lycra should I get if I am using the 556 Halo Blue Gold Lumiere paint?

    My second is, if I air brush the hole tail....will it be stiff and uncomfortable????

    I am really confused in what to do....
    I was born a fish!

  2. #2
    Personally, I do not like the white tail look. IF it is done with thick materials, like neoprene, and done well they can be beautiful, but most of the ones I have seen are cloth and see through and not the best at creating the whole mer-illusion. White lycra, to me, would be a mistake. You will see your legs and swimsuit through it easier than the darker colors.

    The Halo-Blue Gold is what I have on my tail that looks green in my photos. It comes out a lot less blue and a lot more sea green. It might turn blue with more layers, but too thick of paint will fleck off in the water. Lumiere will make the fabric stiff, but not beyond comfort from my experience.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Pod of The South Mermaid Star's Avatar
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    I can't wait to use this paint! I have had it sitting in my room for months! I will be using the Halo Gold-pink along with others for highlight and shading. This paint can be used on any color background, so says the bottle, due to its opacity and says it is good for dark backgrounds. I would go with a lycra color that is closest to your tail color so you don't have to use a crap ton of paint to get the color you want. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Well see I can go with neoprene only due to we are adding Dragon Skin scales and dragon Skin will not set with neoprene... also its hot for me, I run at a constant 99 degrees and that's normal for I get hot fast... and we are only adding the Dragon Skin scales to cover the seams on the sides (seams drive me nuts only cuz well mermaids don't have seams on their tails)

    And I have hand painted my top with it and had to use a lot because it was white... and its kind stiff now that why I am concerned now....but also we will be diluting it with water (as it says on the bottle to use) so it might not be as stiff if its used that way... I wish our fabic sore would let us have samples...but they wont...

    I think I will be going with a dark blue, screw what my partner says...
    I was born a fish!

  5. #5
    Good luck sweetie! I can't wait to see it.

    ~*~ To Thine Own Mermaid Be True ~*~
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