Quick question about the full silcone tails weight. Will it weigh you down in the water, or be hard to swim in? I don't really feel like drowning... lol
It depends on the tail, and the fluke. A heavy and thick tail can be tricky- because you can't bend your knees as easily, and it's been my experience in using both frequently, that it'll sink a little more than a lighter one. With a thinner tail you essentially have full range of motion to the degree you would have if you only wore a monofin. With a smaller fluke, it's easier to do turns and flips- but not as easy to pick up speed quickly, and get down deep quickly, and with a larger fluke (with a larger stiffer monofin) you can generally do speed and depth much better than the smaller one.

Having swam in both a thin silicone tail with a big fluke, and a thicker silicone tail with a small fluke, I can say, it really does depend on your tail. But if you're a person who has no problem floating when you're out of a tail, you shouldn't have any problem floating in a tail. It can be awkward swimming in a tail regardless of it's type if you've never done it before.