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Thread: Memorial fund for my uncles son

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Memorial fund for my uncles son

    As many of you know I have lost 2 people who were a big part of my life in 2 days. My "uncle" hugo who left beind a 2 week old son. And my Godmother Emily. Hugo was the greatest man i knew (besides my dad) when my dad was unemployed, Hugo would go out of his way to give my dad some money to buy groceries or pay rent. When Hugo became ill and unable to work -my dad was working- he would help hugo out as well. In my family we believe always give to those in need. Hugo left behind a 2 week old son. Sadly he died after having surgery and going into a coma. He never came out.

    In my mourning, I felt that i needed to do something, since his wife myra isint working and is using the limited amount she recieved from his insurance, for his burial. I wanted to make a memorial fund in honor of my uncle to help her and her son. I dont like to ask but It would be appreciated if anyone would like to donate any amount of money to the memorial fund. (could be $5.00 if you want) its perfectly fine. I figure even a little bit would help her with something. When she comes to my house on wednesday, I will present her with the site and the memorial fund.

    You can donate here: Hugo Rosario Memorial Fund.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lanai I personally can't afford anything at the moment, but sometimes I find people all donate in the beginning then never put anything later and families still need help! So when I get back to work in Sept I will certainly donate, for now I will share the link around to people I think will be able to

    I'm so sorry you lost so many people so quickly. I think you're doing a great thing though and it'll make a world of difference. Never be afraid to ask the universe for help- this is something I am learning. Big love.

  3. #3
    Raina ,

    Your a wonderful person, and i thank you for spreading the word & link as well, i also posted it into both my DA profiles. Your right sometimes people do chip in and then later forget about the ones who are in need. this is why you have to spread the love and always be helpful unto others. I figure its not much but its something at least to help. Im taking my paycheck for this week and giving Myra half of it knowing that she might need it much more than i do right now, even if its enough to put food on the table or something towards her rent. its something you know.


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