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Thread: Buying my first monofin - Possibly going with Leaderfins. Thoughts?

  1. #1

    Smile Buying my first monofin - Possibly going with Leaderfins. Thoughts?

    Ok, so I have decided that the first step to making my silicone tail is to get myself a monofin I really like the look of the Leaderfins monofins with their tapered foot-pockets and I like the thought of being able to swim fast in my tail. I am quite confused about all their different options that they offer, though. Can anyone here who owns one of their fins shed some light on this?

    Also, I can't help but think that it would be awfully difficult trying to get your feet into a monofin, what with the straps and everything, when it is inside a tail (unless of course the tail had a zipper on it so you could reach in). How do you do this?

  2. #2
    Check out the monofin thread section- there is a ton of information there!
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  3. #3
    Agh ok, I must have missed it >.< *goes digging through the monofin thread again*

  4. #4
    When your fin is inside your tail it is difficult, but you roll down your tail, and once you figure it out, it gets easier, it took me about 15 minutes to get it on the first time, now it takes me about 4 or 5. :-) I don't own a leader monofin, just a rapid and oceanika
    "It is your choice to hide in a shell, or to be shrimply fintastic by being yourself" Facebook:Mermaid Harmony Twitter: @MermaidHarmony

  5. #5
    Ok thanks I'm just imagining trying to squish myself into a silicone tail and pull those straps over my feet...ugh, it does sound difficult!


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