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Thread: Dutch?

  1. #1


    All of a sudden all my languages on this site is Dutch. I can read the posts but everything else is in Dutch. :\

  2. #2
    what you'll have to do is:
    go up to the top right of the page and click settings (or maybe it will say "instillingen", it's the second to last clickable link, next to the log out button.
    then, on the sidebars that are on the left, go to the third bar and to the second section. it should have a lock symbol beside it. under that part, you'll go down to the second clicky, general settings (or maybe it'll say "algemene instellingen", i'm using google translate lol). click on that.
    go all the way down to the very last drop down menu bar thing, called forum language (or whatever one says "deutsch (du)" in the drop down part). change that back to english, and you should be good

    i hope this helps!

    ​formerly Mermaid Brianna

  3. #3

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Omigosh, what's that from? xD

  6. #6
    it's an Austin Powers movie! Goldmember
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  7. #7
    xD my boyfriend ALWAYS quotes it hahaha it's pretty random too
    I'd recommend seeing it! I'm sure they have it on netflix or something by now

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  8. #8
    It's gone back to Dutch again... =\ I can fix it now but I don't know why.

  9. #9
    Wait. It's not Dutch. It's some other language now?

    Now it's English again...?
    Last edited by MerEmma; 04-05-2013 at 09:37 AM.

  10. #10
    That sounds like a really random glitch. Maybe MN wants you to learn a new language hahaha
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  11. #11
    Senior Member Pod of Cali Ashe's Avatar
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    Haha better get a Rosetta Stone set now! Have you talked to Winged Mermaid or Malinghi?
    she believed she could, so she did
    formerly known as Kalani

  12. #12
    Oh gosh, haha, you guys. Maybe I should learn Dutch! I haven't talked to them actually. Should I PM them?

  13. #13
    Senior Member Pod of Cali Ashe's Avatar
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    I would. The least they would say is that is might just be your computer. Anyways, they are always encouraging members to ask them about site issues and things like that.
    she believed she could, so she did
    formerly known as Kalani

  14. #14
    I'll clear my cookies/cache next time it happens and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then I'll contact one of them.

  15. #15
    this band sings in dutch, they're called heidevolk.
    their voices are like... angels. badass viking angels.
    oh man ~

    ​formerly Mermaid Brianna

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MerEmma View Post
    All of a sudden all my languages on this site is Dutch. I can read the posts but everything else is in Dutch
    Hi MerEmma, Just a note. When you go to the Settings/General menu, the 3 languages available are English, German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español) so the Deutsch (Du) option actually changes the language to German.

    The language we call Dutch is the language spoken by people of the Netherlands, and they call their language Nederlands

    Just to add to the mix:

    German People call English: Englisch
    Dutch people call English: Engels
    Spanish people call English: Inglés

    This video seemed like a lot of fun to watch, and kind of explains it

    Plus Dutch is spoken in many other places (don't want to leave anybody out, thanks for the reminder, Ariel Starfish )

    • In Belgium (where people call it vlaamse taal, and English people often call it Flemish)
    • In Suriname in northern South America (it used to be a Dutch colony)
    • In the Dutch Caribbean Islands
    • In South Africa (where people call it Afrikaans)
    • In Namibia, where Afrikaans is one of the official languages

    On a geographical tangent, Afrikaans is pretty different from modern Dutch and Flemish. It started diverging from Dutch in Europe in the 1600s, and has many archaic grammar and spelling features, and they have imported many words from other South African languages as well as invented their own slang, but IME South African, Dutch and Flemish people can talk comfortably to each other with just a little practice.
    Last edited by AptaMer; 06-21-2013 at 07:44 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by AptaMer View Post
    Hi MerEmma, Just a note. When you go to the Settings/General menu, the 3 languages available are English, German (Deutsch) and Spanish (Español) so the Deutsch (Du) option actually changes the language to German.

    The language we call Dutch is the language spoken by people of the Netherlands, and they call their language Nederlands

    Just to add to the mix:

    German People call English: Englisch
    Dutch people call English: Engels
    Spanish people call English: Inglés

    This video seemed like a lot of fun to watch, and kind of explains it

    Hey! Belgians talk Dutch to you know
    Or flemish... It's almost the same, but with another accent

  18. #18
    Senior Member Pod of The South Aziara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mermaid Annariea View Post
    this band sings in dutch, they're called heidevolk.
    their voices are like... angels. badass viking angels.
    oh man ~
    One of my husband's favorite songs is actually by that band... this version has subtitles, and it is HILARIOUS!
    Also known as Salina Tideglow

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ariel Starfish View Post
    Hey! Belgians talk Dutch to you know
    Or flemish... It's almost the same, but with another accent
    Gefixeerd! Bedankt voor de herinnering!

    (or, as the German people/Deutsche Leute would say)

    Repariert! Danke für die Erinnerung!

    (I've forgotten so much from my early days. Tell me if I made a mistake, Ariel)
    Last edited by AptaMer; 06-21-2013 at 07:58 PM.

  20. #20
    Mine was German. I never asked for any other langauge.
    H.P. Lovecraft “You fool, Warren is DEAD!”


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