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Thread: Finfolk Productions: anyone ordered a tail from them? I just did!

  1. #21
    Wow lovely tails! <3

  2. #22
    Hi everyone, I would highly recommend getting a tail from Finfolk as they are awesome to work with! I can't wait to get my tail and show it to you all!! <3

  3. #23
    Senior Member Pod of Cali spottedcatfish's Avatar
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    Looking forward to it!

  4. #24
    So, all I can say is Merbella Studios, you better watch out!!!!

  5. #25
    Senior Member Euro Pod Echidna's Avatar
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    can we see pictures please?
    *hops up and down*

    I hope it's possible to order without having a facebook account as a must?

    All this nice stuff that I can't access
    but etsy, facebook, twitter etc really creep me out
    (yea I'm THAT old)

  6. #26
    Etsy's great. It's as easy as Amazon and Ebay to use and about the same thing.
    Feel free to friend me on Facebook

  7. #27
    So, can you see this picture from their Facebook page even if you don't have an account? (I don't know if it's public or not)

    Otherwise, I don't think they will mind if I show off a couple of the progress pics they've sent me.

    Name:  mermaid tail WIP.jpg
Views: 1579
Size:  36.7 KB Name:  mermaid tail WIP 2.jpg
Views: 1874
Size:  36.4 KB

    It's looking soooooooooo beautiful I can't believe I'm actually going to own this!!! I can't wait!

    And Caltuna, I know they don't have a website yet as they're primarily just working through Facebook at the moment, but I'm sure they would love to hear from you; they've been fantastic to work with. I can ask if they mind me giving out their email so you can contact them (though they're also members on Mernetwork!)

  8. #28

    We would be happy to chat with you via email if that is easier for you.

    Please help Finfolk Productions grow! Like our business page at

  9. #29
    Senior Member Euro Pod Echidna's Avatar
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    I could see all the pictures, thank you!
    The scales look fantastic. Definitely merbella-like

    Guess I'll have to make a facebook account sometime anyway.
    But it would still be great if there were a website independent from that;
    would be a bit more accessible.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Euro Pod Echidna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finfolk Productions View Post

    We would be happy to chat with you via email if that is easier for you.

    Thank you guys

    At the moment, I don't have much to spend, but I'll definitely keep an eye on you and your products,
    and get in touch as soon as I can save up enough lol.

  11. #31
    Pfff, they look far more realistic than the Merbella scales :P I should know, I'm an extremely picky zoologist and I made sure they came out as realistic as possible

    I hope you order from them though Caltuna, they've been fantastic about communicating with me and bringing my ideas to life!

  12. #32
    Ohmygosh. You guys. Ohmygosh. It's finished. It's coming! It's the prettiest tail ever!!!! Check it out!

  13. #33
    Senior Member Undisclosed Pod Mermaid Tula's Avatar
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    That's yours?! Omg congrats! It's gorgeous! I've been drooling over it since I first saw her putting the gold edging on the scales! It's incredible!
    Hi! I'm Sam, aka Mermaid Tula, aka Comatose Angel.
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  14. #34
    That tail is spectacular! Gratz to you!
    Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!! <3

  15. #35
    Thanks guys!!! I'm sooooo excited. I think it's the most amazing beautiful tail everrrr, I'm so happy they went with all my crazy ideas (like gold outlines on every single scale?!?!) and my arowana fin design.....OMG it's so awesome. Now I just have to sit here and wait for it to arrive! Argh! The waiting!

  16. #36
    About how much did you pay for it? I'm going to start saving for a tail but I wouldn't want to email them when I'm not looking to make a serious purchase at the moment :/

  17. #37
    Unique! I'm spreading the word of my new found love for pool noodles by the way. If you don't have one, I suggest dropping by walmart and picking one up... ventilating silicone FTW!

  18. #38
    Senior Member Pod of The South WavyMermaidy's Avatar
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    That tail is fabulous...I'm usually not an extra fin kind of gal but the extra fins on this are great as are the gold on the scales. Fantastic!

  19. #39
    That looks amazing!! Lol I love how we're all gawking over tail candy.
    "SeaSparkles" "Spindrift" "Enakai" "Cuddlefish" "Confused"
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  20. #40
    Senior Member Pod of The South Aziara's Avatar
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    That tail...I'm just... The scales are so perfect! And the fluke! OMG...I think if I ever buy a tail, it will have to be one just like this, only in green instead of blue. That would be my perfect tail.
    Also known as Salina Tideglow


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