Ok... so just saw news of the movie: EMPIRES OF THE DEEP

It looked over the top and silly to me, but the more I thought about it, I was like:
Heck, why not?! If there are all these movies about fantasy worlds, alien planets, super hero flicks...
why SHOULDN'T there be a movie like this with a well evolved under-water culture.
Not something primitive, not something that's a bit part or a subplot...
why not a large full-scale fun movie set in a mer-world?!

Unfortunately, it still looks like the true "merfolk" sillouette is still not very present in the flick, but it looks like if anything-- it could be fun. I like all sorts of movies. Even ones people say are bad-- I classify my movies as
Good-- which means, actual art or very well crafted peice
Fun-- which can mean good or bad, but still has entertainment value or is a good time
Bad-- which means, it's SO bad that it's not even bad enough to be entertaining. That's gotta be BAD.

Anyway-- not to ramble... my question is: WHEN is this finally coming out? Anyone know anything about THIS one?
I'm interested!