Hey everyone! I'm super excited to enter the exciting world of being a mermaid! I'm currently awaiting the completion of my very first tail by the lovely Raven of Merbellas. And waiting I am. I suppose it's not overly important because its winter here, far too cold for an ocean swim but there are still pools I'm dying to try it out in.

I'm just curious as to how long people have waited for a Merbellas tail? I paid for mine in Febuary, expecting a 120 wait time max. Here I am 160 days later with no tail in sight. No expected completion time and tails ordered after mine being completed before mine (I've seen pictures posted on her FB page and spoken to the client).

I understand Raven is busy, and I'm not messaging her about this because I doubt it will do anything. It won't make my tail come faster and just take up her time.
PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT trying to have a go at Raven, I believe she is the best tail maker around, I'm happy to wait as long as it takes. I just want to know how long HAVE people waited for a tail from her so I can guess how much longer I can expect to keep waiting.