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Thread: Indiana mermaids

  1. #1

    Indiana mermaids

    I hope I fit in this pod

  2. #2
    Lakes in Indy i found. Up north at the dunes, lake Shaffer, geist , there's a lake behind catherdral school, eagle park has one, then south there is sweet water, cordry, and the princess lakes.

  3. #3
    I don't see why you wouldn't. :-) I'm up north by Salamonie and Long Lake. I know Nahla is in Fort Wayne. That's all of us that I know for certain. Nala just got her tail and I'll have mine in about 2 months. There was a meet-up in Michigan just a little bit back, but it was too far for me to go. What part of Indiana are you in, Kumori?
    Nashoba - The Native American Mermaid's Facebook

    Ka-Powell Entertainement

    "The difference between a net that catches you and a hammock that cradles you is your perspective."

  4. #4
    to parts actually my mom lives in Lawrence in indy. My dad lives in brown county on lake cordry water. thank you
    Last edited by Kumori Kitsune; 07-31-2013 at 03:59 AM.

  5. #5
    Anyone know of mers in the northwest part of Indiana? Trying to find someone I can go swimming with.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Pod of the Midwest scout's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Eyy I’m in the Fort Wayne area, specifically Huntington!

  7. #7
    Hello I live in Northwest Indiana, Valparaiso to be exact. I'd love to make new mer friends in the area. Feel free to message me on facebook or instagram @JessamyBeth.

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