Lived in Pittsburgh for a year (absolutely hated it), but I'm only about 3 hrs away now. I'd be willing to go back for a short visit if it meant haning out with other mermaids and maybe a visit to Dobra Also, the LA Fitness in Bridgeville has a saline pool and LA Fitnesses supposedly allow tails. I don't have a tail of my own yet-- want to get my breath hold longer before I invest-- but the LA Fitness here in Columbus allows them.
Hey all, I didn't forget about a potential meet-up, I just got really distracted with life. Is there still interest in arranging a meet-up at my local mermaid-friendly pool in Bellvue PA sometime this month? (The LA fitness thing probably won't work for me-- you probably need a membership to swim there, right?)
Beautiful beaded tops and silicone fins and flukes for enhancing your tail at my Etsy shop: Fancy Fish Fashions!
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Hi! I'm near Pittsburgh. I'm 40 from the city depending where you're talking about, Pitts kinda big haha. Though I have no issue driving in to meet up with fellow mers. I don't have a tail yet, though I do have a monofin. I'm currently in the process of making my first silicone tail. I've made fabric ones in the past. I'd love to talk and eventually meet up with anyone in Pitt and def swim!
I'm also in (well, near) Pittsburgh! I'm currently trying to scope out some pools that allow tail use with the hope to get a few swims in before the summer ends. A previous reply in this thread mentioned Bellevue Memorial Pool, but it was a few years ago so I need to check and see if that's still a thing. Would be awesome if it is - I go to that park regularly for badminton so as it is.