I'm not one of the mers who ordered and didn't get a tail from Fish Butts, but I've been following the various complaint threads for a while- and my heart goes out to every single one of you! I'm all for supporting a talented tailmaker, and understanding that she goes through issues as well-- but I think most of us can agree that this is on an entirely different level.
Raina suggested compiling a cohesive thread where Fish Butt-less mers could file complaints, so that they'd have something concrete to submit to the news, and I think it's a great idea.
Format for posting-
- Brief, but detailed write-up of your issue. (would it work better for logistics if we had brief, detailed write-ups, or completely laid on the emotion? Suggestions pleez)
- Date of order
- Duration of wait
- Type of tail order, payment amount
- Screenshot of payment receipt
- Screenshots of email/ FB/ social media correspondences
So here goes. Feel free to add to this list of pointers-- especially mers dabbling in the legal industry, and I'll edit this post to include the pointers!