I'm sending fish butts an email, I want my tails or a refund by December 1st or I'm going to the police. I would like to add everyones names to the email, so she knows we are all going to the police. If just I do it, then she can just say there was a delay, but if all of us do it, there is no denying she ripped us all off.
When Adam Martin did this, there was no legal recourse. But we do have it in this case, I think it's about time to use it.
If you want your name included the email, PM me your name and amount you sent her.
(I'd also like to include some resources or ideas that she can use to help her get the money for the refunds because I really would rather not go have to the police and see anything bad happen to her, so if you have any ideas, please let me know)