I have finally purchased a silicone tail, and I want to get started on something in anticipation of the classic gapping at the waist. I don't like the look of silicone gap wraps, particularly mernation's and the way they have those weird vertical lines. I am thinking of experimenting with being frugal and using stuff I have laying around like a ton of spandex. I'm wondering if a 'belt' of braided spandex attached to a plastic buckle will do or if I need to go another route. Also thought about a sash or sarong style but idk if that would be strong enough to hold the waist to my body. I've also seen weight belts with weighted sea critters which I really like. However I don't know if having a weighted belt is really for me or not. For my first one I would prefer to be as minimalistic as possible, and not have a bunch of junk hanging off my waist. Anyone have other ideas?