I'm not sure where would be the appropriate place to post this, so feel free to move it.
I wanted to share some music that makes me think of mermaids either because of the music, lyrics, or videos, and also leave it here for people looking for inspiration for music they can use to swim to in videos or make slideshows with. Please feel free to add your own.
Classical music is generally copyright free is you choose to use it in your youtube/online video
Fan Videos
These are fan videos from youtube where I wouldn't normally think of the music but now it makes me think of mermaids
Music Videos with Mermaids
Real Music Videos that have mermaids in them
Also "Wish you were Here" by Incubus (I can't get the video to load)
Other Songs About, Inspired by, Or Could Be Used in a Video
Just some other songs that make me personally think of mermaids or I think are nice in music videos