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Thread: VT/NH/Upper NY mers?

  1. #61
    Hello!!! I’m not in Rochester but I’d be happy to travel out there for meetups with other mers! I’m based out of the Syracuse area, I found a local small college pool that lets me use my tail during open swim! The lake here also has a “secret local” swim spot that doesn’t have any rules against fins/floats/flippers/tails that I’ve swam at successfully. The water is shallow and a bit murky for photos but if it’s not a windy day you can see about 5-7 feet to the bottom.

  2. #62
    Junior Member Pod of New England
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    Jan 2020
    Rochester, NY
    Nice to meet you, Mermaid Tory! Sodus point is about 45 mintues from me, so if sometime in the distance future (when i've actually sorted out this little idea of mine to become a mermaid, have made a tail etc) a mer-meet up sounds like fun! I did just tonight notice that a Monroe family YMCA offered a FREE mermaid swim class, which I find optomistic and kinda exciting. You'd think that if they're offering this class, and it's free, they would be willing to accept mermaids. Kinda seems like they're encouraging mertraffic.
    Unfortunately, it's tomorrow (the 21st) and without a tail or monofin, going is kinda pointless for me. However, here's the link and address if it's of any interest to you for whatever reason.
    797 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14607

  3. #63
    Junior Member Pod of New England
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    Rochester, NY
    Speaking of swimming in lakes, I have a curious question. My family frequently goes camping over the summer and sometimes early fall, and I was thinking I might get some swim time in that way. However, campgrounds have their own rules (my brother once got rebuked by a park ranger for riding a minibike, which were not allowed) and though there are sometimes campsites with little private alcoves to the water, do you think a park ranger still might get mad? I mean I could always call and ask but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck in the finger lakes area?

  4. #64
    Senior Member Pod of the Great Lakes Theta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StellaRae View Post
    Hello!!! I’m not in Rochester but I’d be happy to travel out there for meetups with other mers! I’m based out of the Syracuse area, I found a local small college pool that lets me use my tail during open swim! The lake here also has a “secret local” swim spot that doesn’t have any rules against fins/floats/flippers/tails that I’ve swam at successfully. The water is shallow and a bit murky for photos but if it’s not a windy day you can see about 5-7 feet to the bottom.
    Hi! Just out of curiosity (I'm not back up north that much now, but my folks are still up in CNY and I take my tail when I visit) which college, and which lake? Asking for a friend.

    (I'm the friend, the friend is me)

    Have you tried tail swimming at Green Lakes at all?


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