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Thread: VT/NH/Upper NY mers?

  1. #21
    Man, I wish I could make it to the parade again. I went... that one time it was almost cancelled. And saw some of you guys there. But I'll be in Seattle/Vancouver/Alaska this year. :x
    "SeaSparkles" "Spindrift" "Enakai" "Cuddlefish" "Confused"
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  2. #22
    I just moved to Cali from Saratoga. I visit there often enough to see friends and family. There's another mer in Saratoga - I'd see her leaving the YMCA as I was entering with her tail but never had the guts to talk to her.

    much love, one love - Moana

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphina Suds View Post
    I'll make a thread once we pick a date for the meetup :3 and you should come tail or no tail!
    Actually my tail is coming in time! This Friday, so I'm definitely going to the parade meet up!

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    Love and Mer Kisses from Venilia

  4. #24
    Btw, does anyone know any pools or swimming areas that are open right now ( other then the beach ). I need to find a mermaid tail friendly pool in NYC ;c Help please

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    Love and Mer Kisses from Venilia

  5. #25
    You can ask Harlem Mermaid on Facebook. She swims somewhere that you need a membership to, but they allow her tail.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphina Suds View Post
    You can ask Harlem Mermaid on Facebook. She swims somewhere that you need a membership to, but they allow her tail.
    Thank you so much <3

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    Love and Mer Kisses from Venilia

  7. #27
    Senior Member Pod of New England Echinacea's Avatar
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    Hi, Tolgarr, I used to live in Norwich, VT. My mom just sold the old family homestead, and moved down to New London, NH (near Lake Sunapee). I am in Massachusetts.

    Venilia, I was going to suggest you check with Harlem Mermaid, or Lanai, the New York Mermaid. Both are in NYC.

    Seraphina Suds is having a meetup in July, I am having one in Marlborough, MA in late June and hopefully one on Cape Cod in August, plus there are several Coney Island meetups planned.

  8. #28
    You've got another mer-to-be in the far upstate NY region right here. No tail yet so I'm hesitant to call myself a mermaid just yet. But I've got a monofin and access to a pool that opens on the rare occasions that we have decent weather for it. Really hope we stop getting rain daily soon.

    Fancy a cup of mermaid tea?

  9. #29
    I don't know if this counts as double posting since it has been a few days and this post is unrelated to my previous one.

    That said, I had heard rumors around about an Upstate NY meetup, but when I looked up the location I was disappointed to find it was in an area I would have called Downstate. So I looked up the definitions of the regions and it turns out no one can agree where they are except that NYC is definitely Downstate. So to clear things up a little, I am apparently in the Finger Lakes region of NY as defined by this image from Wikipedia

    Fancy a cup of mermaid tea?

  10. #30
    Senior Member Pod of the Great Lakes Theta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciriun View Post
    I don't know if this counts as double posting since it has been a few days and this post is unrelated to my previous one.

    That said, I had heard rumors around about an Upstate NY meetup, but when I looked up the location I was disappointed to find it was in an area I would have called Downstate. So I looked up the definitions of the regions and it turns out no one can agree where they are except that NYC is definitely Downstate. So to clear things up a little, I am apparently in the Finger Lakes region of NY as defined by this image from Wikipedia
    Where in the Finger Lakes are you? I'm in Syracuse quite often as my folks still live there.

  11. #31
    No offense at all meant to anyone on here, but since this forum seems to be completely visible to anyone on the internet who happens across it I haven't wanted to post my exact location. Maybe I'm old fashioned or paranoid for that. But Syracuse is absolutely within reasonable driving distance from where I am, although I have never actually driven myself there. I visited a lot as a kid since we had close family friends in the area.

    I should also mention that soon I will have family in Vermont, though I can't even remember exactly where.

    Fancy a cup of mermaid tea?

  12. #32
    Senior Member Pod of the Great Lakes Theta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciriun View Post
    No offense at all meant to anyone on here, but since this forum seems to be completely visible to anyone on the internet who happens across it I haven't wanted to post my exact location. Maybe I'm old fashioned or paranoid for that. But Syracuse is absolutely within reasonable driving distance from where I am, although I have never actually driven myself there. I visited a lot as a kid since we had close family friends in the area.

    I should also mention that soon I will have family in Vermont, though I can't even remember exactly where.
    Fair enough. If you want, next time I'm up north I'll PM you, and if you want to try to do a get together we can

  13. #33
    Yes, that would be amazingly awesome! I am trying not to fangirl too hard, but here's me with just a few monofin practice swims and you have a gorgeous tail and experience and everything and I've never met another mer in person before and it's just so exciting and-

    I'll stop now before I scare you off.

    Fancy a cup of mermaid tea?

  14. #34
    Senior Member Pod of the Great Lakes Theta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciriun View Post
    Yes, that would be amazingly awesome! I am trying not to fangirl too hard, but here's me with just a few monofin practice swims and you have a gorgeous tail and experience and everything and I've never met another mer in person before and it's just so exciting and-

    I'll stop now before I scare you off.
    Takes a lot more than that to scare me off, lol I should probably worry about scaring you off. I can be a bit rough around the edges.

    Right now it looks like I'll be in Syracuse again around August 22nd. If you can make it to Elmira, I'll be there for Twin Tiers Comic Con on August 14-16ish. For TT I'll be wearing normal cosplay with my group, but I'd be happy to bring the tail along and you can check it out, if you want. Plus if there's a hotel pool I'll be all up in that.

    I might also be in Binghamton over a couple of weekends in July, but I'm not sure yet.

  15. #35
    Senior Member Pod of New England Echinacea's Avatar
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    Ciriun, I don't know how close you are to the Hudson Valley, but check further down the Group forum, there is a post about a Mer meetup July 25th, at a lake in a state park in NY. Maybe you could get to that, and meet more mers!

  16. #36
    The con sounds really fun, I'll see if I can make it. I've never been to a comic con before, but I have a cosplay I can wear. Nothing mer related. Right now my summer schedule is pretty open, but that could change if I get a job at any point.

    Echinacea, I'm pretty far from that area actually. Is it an annual thing? With any luck by next year I'll be more confident with both fin swimming and driving outside my little comfort zone.

    Fancy a cup of mermaid tea?

  17. #37
    I also live in rochester ny. I have my first mermaid gig this Thursday at the rochester a listers rooftop pool party.
    ~Mermaid Tory~

    Formerly known as Tswan114

  18. #38
    Sorry for the double post but I just wanted to comment on how weird and cool it is to hear familiar areas finally being mentioned on here. I grew up in northern Pa and the closest mall to me for most my life was about an hour away in Elmira the Arnot Mall. I now live outside of Rochester about 2 hours or less from Syracuse.
    ~Mermaid Tory~

    Formerly known as Tswan114

  19. #39
    I'm a vermont mer I live right around the burlington area. I'm in the process of making my own silicone tail, but I was getting impatient waiting for the supplies to arrive so I just made a lycra mermaid tail for my first tail! I'm going to swim with it at north beach at some point this weekend

  20. #40
    Tory, you are probably the closest other mer to me. I've been stalkin- er, I mean, following you on Facebook for a little bit now.

    And sorry Theta for not making it to the con. I haven't been doing so hot on getting to cons lately. :/

    Fancy a cup of mermaid tea?


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