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Thread: I've ordered a tail from Mermaid Parties

  1. #1

    I've ordered a tail from Mermaid Parties

    This will be my first tail ever, (A dream come true!) and I'll be in my mermaid tail for my engagement shoot with my fiance.
    I'm going to be using the tail in Lake Tahoe NV and am wondering if you guys have any advice for care of the tail and tricks you've found that work when sitting on rocks in your tail.



  2. #2
    Put your tail on whilst sitting on a yoga mat, and then you can remove the yoga mat once it's on and you're in place.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Pod of The South Blondie's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Jax, Florida
    I agree with Lyrique. What's your tail going to look like??

  4. #4
    I haven't decided yet. I have a really hard time making decisions. Haha XD
    but I do have my ideas for it on my Facebook page so people can vote on which idea they like best! and it should be in the photo albums.

  5. #5
    Stephanie should give you basic tail care instructions but I also agree that yoga mas are the way to go with rocks
    My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
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