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Thread: I need some help :(

  1. #1

    Question I need some help :(

    I really don't know what to call this thread lol. But anyways I really do need some help. I'm frustrated and confused and I need some advice. My mom dropped over $1000 dollars for my sister to participate in sideline cheer. Today I asked my mom if I could have $300 for the silicone for my tail. She told me shed give it to me if I could make the mold. Now at this point you guys are probably like " well so what, just make the mold" but I'm 14 and I've been working my but off to afford the silicone and now that I have we'll over enough, I can't use it!
    Every time I've gotten money wether it's bday money or money from the holidays given as a gift or even money I've earned babysitting, my mom has used it all! She asks me if could borrow it and I say yes and of course she offers to pay me back but; I tell her no because when I want to order my silicone she can pay me back then and now she won't! I guess my point is why will she pay 1k for my sisters cheer (that she probably won't be doing next year because she doesn't like it), but she won't give me $300 of my own money she owes me?!?
    And not only that but now idk if I even want to spend my money on a tail. I know deep in my heart it's what I want to do but idk anymore. Maybe I'm just being stupid and acting ignorant but idk. Lol I need some advice. Please help.
    Formerly known as "kimmie".

  2. #2
    I'd ask your mom to pay you back, in payments if need be. If the money is really yours, and she said she would return it to you, she should. I also wouldn't lend her anything else until all of what she owes you is repaid. Best of luck...
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  3. #3
    Ah, I've been in your position many many many times before. Borrowing money but having none to return, my mum. I don't have any advice for you, my mum has given me most of my money back over time. ):

  4. #4
    Thnx. I know she will pay me back but she doesn't want me spending that much money on a tail.
    Formerly known as "kimmie".

  5. #5
    Senior Member Rocky Mountain Pod Mermaid Dottie's Avatar
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    My older brother had a bad habit of borrowing the money in my tip jar from my waitress job. I told he could twice, and then he just stopped asking. I then hid my money.
    Just stop loaning her your hard-earned clams. You shouldn't ever have to borrow money from your kids, you should pay your kids an allowance for the chores they do so that they can learn the value of hard work.
    Mermaid Dottie
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Chesapeake Pod ShyMer's Avatar
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    I don't know your mom, but I wonder if she's trying to make sure you'll be able to do it before spending money on it. She might be trying to make sure you're making good choices with your money. She also might not mind spending money on cheerleading because it's something she knows, but mermaiding is something many people have trouble understanding.

    Have you talked to your mom and listened to her reasons? You might be able to make her feel better about it.

    Edit- do you have enough saved up for the rest of the materials? There are other expenses involved in making a tail aside from the silicone itself.

  7. #7
    Hi Cascada,

    I'm making a silicone tail right now and Shymer brings up a really important point. $300 is a good start, but you will need much more if you want to make a silicone tail. I spent $75 just on clay, $150 on mold materials and $25 on foam and circle punches. I also spent money on dragonskin silicone and on other things like measuring cups, spoons, vinyl gloves, power mesh, powdered paint.....the list goes on and on......and it adds up fast and things can go wrong.

    I'm not trying to discourage you from making a silicone tail. Just be sure you're prepared for all of the other expenses that come along with a silicone tail. Silicone has a limited shelf life so you don't want to buy it until you're ready to use it.

    Have you tried showing your mom all your research on the process? If you get her involved in your silicone tail project and she sees how much you know about the process she might be more open to the idea and might even want to help you.

    Good luck

  8. #8
    I have all the materials but the silicone. I have way to much clay (almost 100lbs) and the cement for molding. Thanks for all you're input guys and all your advice. It opens my eyes a little and maybe she does want to see if I'm capable of doing this. So I guess I'll have to prove to her that I can do this by making my molds. I'm already hundreds of dollars into this so I know this is what I really want. thnx guys
    Formerly known as "kimmie".


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