Hello! Since there are a couple of hair-related threads in this section, I figure this belongs here...

I have only ever seen 2 pictures of a mermaid with short hair - deviantart drawings - and I wonder why. I think long hair is beautiful and sexy, but short hair on the right person can also reveal her bone structure and uncover her eyes and lips. I think it could be just as pretty on a mermaid - but maybe that's my self-consciousness talking to me. I just recently got my hair cut into a pixie cut and I love it in every area of my life...except in the mermaid department.

My question is, what do you think? Can short hair look good on a mermaid, or does the lack of long hair make her less appealing? Would anyone be able to suggest a way to accessorize so my short hair is shown off instead of ignored?

Thanks for reading!