5 out of 5 Starfish for Syren Studios
My tail is a fill silicon tail with a competitor monofin, translucent blended waist, and nymph fluke design. My top is a silicone scale top.

Purpose: I’m both a hobby and professional mermaid. I work parties, events, and do modeling. As not to totally neglect my family, I limit my mermaiding gigs and events to every other weekend, which means my tail really will not be used a ton. Which is good, it will last a long time!

Appearance and Arrival: 5 out of 5 stars
I received my tail and top on June 3rd 2016. The tail and top were very well packaged. The tail and top are GORGEOUS. No pictures do it justice. The colors and the sparkle are un-freaking-believable, especially in sun. No visible seams! Wonderful attention to detail. Arrived clean and sparkly and with a cute hair clip! She included instructions on putting it on and tail care.
I love love love it!! I cried all over the place when I saw it.

Ordering Process: 5 out 5 stars
Perfect and easy. Lily was patient while my PayPal was being stupid and not sending her money. I ordered in mid-January and got the tail and top less than 5 months later. I didn’t have a specific design in mind so I emailed her some inspiration pics, told her my favorite colors and that I’m a tropical mermaid who likes spots on tails. She has the same favorite colors so she was excited to design my tail. She quickly sent me back a design and she NAILED it, there was nothing I wanted changed. It was everything I wanted in a tail without even knowing I wanted it! A couple of weeks before she sent the tail I also ordered a top from her and it as well went quickly and easily and I loved her design right off the bat.
Also, when ordering I told her while it wasn’t a deal breaker I *really* wanted to get the tail by late June for a specific event and she told me that would be no problem. I got the tail and top several weeks before the date I gave her; so extra points to Lily to committing to a deadline and meeting it.

Communications: 5 out of 5 stars
Lily is EXCELLENT with communication. She emailed me progress pictures, asked for clarification on things, double checked with me with things before moving forward, caught a measuring mistake I had made, let me know when she was out of town, and updated me with where she was at in the process every step along the way. I could not have been any happier with her communication. Flawless.

Fit: 5 out of 5 stars
I flopped like a dying fish on my dining room floor trying to get into my tail for about 20 minutes, panting and getting discouraged. My second time it took about 5 minutes and the third it took about a minute. (I conquered the foot straps!) Nothing to do with fit, just me adjusting to the learning curve.
I felt my blended waist was too high so Lily gave me some advice about cutting it down, I did it and I’m totally happy with where the waist sits now. I think my tail might be just a tad too long, but also I’ve only worn it 4 times now so I think I’m still getting better at adjusting it, smoothing out wrinkles, etc. Overall: great fit!! The top too is a great fit, very comfortable, and somehow magically makes my normally non-impressive boobs look awesome!!
I should add I know a couple of mers thought there was some gapping in the back of their tails around the waist. Lily said she thought she had a solution to this and asked my permission to try it out on my tail. I agreed and there is no back waist gap! So, like the fantastic artist she is, Lily took criticism and then fixed the issue.

First Swim: 4.5 out of 5 stars
There were pros and kinda-cons.
Kinda-con: I’m used to floating like a cork and this tail drags me straight to the bottom. The fluke is very heavy. On land I can’t lift it while in it. (I am working on this and am determined to nail it.) I assume like learning to get it on, this will be something I will get better at with time and experience. I should clarify, the fluke drags me down when I’m just trying to float, not when I’m in motion. Which brings me to the pro.
Pro: It swims BEAUTIFULLY. Having that much propulsion is incredible. I took a little footage and the fluke is so freaking gorgeous flowing in the water. The fit underwater is great too, no waist gap, drains great. I thought it was funny that I struggled with learning to swim properly in a fabric tail and then I put on this one and first time swam completely naturally like I’d been doing it my whole life. It was a GREAT feeling and the whole time I was in the pool I was thinking, “Omigod, I’m a REAL mermaid!!!”
I have only swam in it once so far, can’t wait to get in some water again soon!!

5 out of 5 stars
Everything about this experience has been wonderful. Lily made my dream tail!! It’s freaking incredibly gorgeous, fits great, and swims beautifully. I get many compliments on it and since getting it I’ve had a flood of offers to hire me for various events and modeling; way too many to be able to accept.

I would 100% recommend Syren Studios to anyone looking to buy a silicone tail and/or top. Her prices are very reasonable, her tails are gorgeous, her artistry rocks, she’s very skillful, and is A+ on custo-mer service.

Photo George Adkins
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13516593_10206496662083322_866383616095811721_n.jp g?oh=52706fd068d8b75070d7ca6b4d1cee87&oe=57FEA326

Photo Julie Megill

And my unboxing video!