First off I want to tell you all that I have been totally guilty of this before, so don't think I'm attacking anyone, but I think it's really worth saying. I'm also aware that some of you are totally gonna brush me off and ignore me, but I'll do my best anyways lol

Ok. Here goes: If they only reason you want to make your own silicone tail is to save money, don't do it.

"But Wes, $600 vs $3000!!!!!" (ish) I knowww I know. I know. It seems like the most obvious and smart and genius decision. I know. I did this. I went "pssshhhh 3k? I could do that! I'm gonna DIY this shit and kill it. #mermaidlifehack"

Ohhhh guys. Oh guys. No. Noooo. No. Not only have I likely spent around 1000 with experimenting and messing up and supplies I didn't end up needing and ones I accidentally bought too much of and gas money and shipping costs, but it's been almost 1.5 years since I bought my silicone. I've cried, gotten allergic reactions, hurt myself, wrecked molds, scrapped sculpts and started over. LITERAL blood sweat and tears have gone into my tail- and IM NOT DONE YET.

If I had started saving instead of making a tail 1.5 years ago, I would be able to buy whatever silicone tail I wanted and I don't even have a good paying job. I could order a Merbella tail with all the bells and whistles in another six months. And even if it took me another year of saving, it's totally achievable.

Now after a year of having tailmaking supplies all over my house (my parents are so patient and supportive but they're sooo annoyed by the mannequin in the living room at this point) I am constantly stressed by my tailmaking, constantly worried about screwing it up, constantly worried about fit and about if it looks good to other people or if it's ugly or if it's whatever. It's a stress point in my life.

Sometimes I wish that I had just saved for a finfolk tail and been done with it. If money were my only motivator? I would be bummed that I did this. It's too hard, too involved, and too frustrating. There's a really good reason tail makers charge so much.

Thankfully, money is only part of the reason. I love creating. I love showing off my progress and learning to do art in a new medium. I'm SO glad to be making my own silicone tail. But the money part is like... 6% of the reason.

I just wanna save you guys the stress and pain of starting this project and getting in over your heads. WE MAKE IT LOOK EASY. I promise it's not. Is it worth it? That's up to you.

Now if you want to make a tail for the sake of making a tail, don't let me discourage you. It's doable. It's just a TON of work. A ton of fun work, but work nonetheless.

I'm pretty sleepy so I hope this makes sense. *hugs and fishes*

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