Right alright, so here we go! This is a topic that is often brought up in bits and pieces within our community. It was mentioned here by jukumerboii, and Kae Leah was feeling bad about not having a silicone tail for a time, but I think it deserved a place where is can be the sole matter at hand. Now, I am in no way dissing silicone tails or their owners, I want a silicone tail more than anything! Let me tell you what I'm talking about.

I have been a part of the mermaid community for the past five (almost six... wow, that long?). I was high on the idea of swimming in a tail and bought myself a beautiful fabric tail. I made a few tails as well and I was feeling great! I knew that the majority of the community had fabric tails, so I saw myself as an equal. It was the day I saw a girl about my age with a video of herself swimming in a shiny new Mertailor latex tail. A touch of jealousy kicked in, and I decided it was now my goal to buy the same tail that she had, so I could once more feel even.
Flash forward to a couple of years later when silicone tails became the big thing. I wasn't bothered by the fact that adults had these gorgeous tails - how could I expect myself, a thirteen year old girl to have a tail like that? I carried on until I started seeing younger girls will thousands of dollars worth of silicone around their legs. Then there were the girls who had just found out about the mer-community and snagged a tail only months after! My thought was always, well why can't I have that? Why isn't that me? I wanted nothing more than one of these beautiful elaborate tails.
Now onto the present, and I have found these to be such silly questions! Well, I wasn't blessed with thousands of dollars to spend at my disposal. I know know that I myself am going to have to work hard to get my dream tail.
Here is another thing I have realized. A thirteen year old girl such as my former self had no need for a tail like this. I was far too shy to go out in public, my pool is too small, and I'm still growing! Back then, I wanted that silicone tail because I wanted so desperately to fit in. I wanted to feel like I was as much of a mermaid as everyone with silicone tail. I know that is so far away from the truth. I am nearly sixteen now and yeah, I still want a silicone tail. Like, really really really want a silicone tail. But why do I want one? I want it for me. I want to see the smile on a child's face when they see me, I want the confidence that comes with wearing one of these beauties, I want one because it is my dream!
Too long, didn't read? I was always so jealous of mers who had silicone tails, and was wanting one only because I felt like I didn't fit in.

I do not speak for myself here, as I have had conversations with others who felt left out because they felt like they would never reach the point of having a silicone tail. I reminded them how there was absolutely no need to worry. I asked them, why do you want a silicone tail? Do you understand the risks and maintenance of one of these tails? Are you ready for this commitment? I want everyone considering a silicone tail to ask themselves these questions and really give them thought.

So, In short, I just wanted to let everyone know that having a fabric tail makes you no less of a mermaid than a mer with a silicone tail! Having a silicone tail makes you no more of a mermaid than those without. Here is what makes you a mer: how much you really feel it deep inside of your bones. Do you believe you are a mer? Wonderful, then let me tell you that you sure as hell are. I wish that i had read this when I was still searching for myself, I wasted a lot of time and put friendships ( you know who you are. I'm still jealous ) in jeopardy over jealously and simply feeling bad! I don't want any new or old members feeling this way simply because their tails aren't realistic, or the other way around.

Mers with fabric tails are mer. Mers with silicone tails are mers. Mers with neoprene tails are mers. Mers with tails that are made out of scrap fabric from the bargain bins are mers. Everyone on this site is a wonderful, beautiful mer, and we are all equal!

Well, glad I got that off my chest.