Hiya! I'm new to mermaiding, just waiting for my first tail to arrive. I've contacted a local pool about their policies regarding tails, and they replied that they have no special policies in place, meaning I would be free to swim as I wanted to. I'm not complaining, but I started wondering... should there be rules? What kind of rules should they be?

The rules the pool has by default are the usual: only allowed in the deep pool if you can swim, children with supervision etc. However, should there be something in the rules about passing a swim test with a monofin before being allowed in with a mermaid tail? Maybe something like 100 m swimming with a monofin and demonstrating the ability to float with it in case you tire out? Also, should mermaids always be accompanied by a friend, either with or without a tail?

Thoughts, comments, suggestions for possible swim test requirements? Am I just overthinking this?