If you decide to create a monofin or cut a monofin to shape, DO NOT cut it with a sharp notch in it, especially in the center. When you swim the stress of the blade will cause it to rip or crack. When you cut a monofin you need to round out any sharp indents (like the one in the middle). If you're finding this out too late, you can drill a hole at the apex of the crack and it will stop it from getting worse. This is an effective technique used from monofin cracks to cracks in a windshield.

__________ Correct ___________ Incorrect _____

If you have a pre-cut monofin from a tail maker that is notched, it is strongly recommended that you round the cut out as soon as possible to avoid ripping or cracking.

From Mermaid Nayla's thread:


Will result in:

or (From bearemyrox97's thread):
