Mermaidgirl1987 you can write a review of the Mertailor here:
Your review can be helpful to give other possible customers insight on exactly what could happen if they order from the Mertailor. Unfortunately this kind of thing keeps happening to people who go with the Mertailor. Some people get very lucky and do get a functional tail from him, but others are not so lucky and have the same or more issues like what you have stated.

If you meet other mers considering buying from him, you can now give them some personal insight on what they can expect. We try to warn new mers about the risk they take when buying from the Mertailor, but we can't reach everyone unfortunately.

I am really sorry you had to go through this. Mernetwork has lots of tailmakers listed to choose from so I am certain you will be able to get your dream tail someday from someone be it Merbellas, Finfolk, Siren Studios, Pearlie Mae, etc.