View Full Version : General Community Discussions

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  1. Lost Girl Bring on the Mermaids
  2. Ocean Art
  3. Trying to find a link to a certian blog - HELP!
  4. Crowdfunding and questions...
  5. Off Duty Mermaid Style
  6. Tail buying business?
  7. Happy 40th Birthday Hannah Fraser! Pics and Video heavy!
  8. Mermaids the Body Found?????
  9. Mer-King Tail Scholarship Contest!
  10. Happy Valentine's Day, share the love!
  11. How do you ask your local pools if you can use your tail?
  12. FINDING NEW ZEALAND MERMAIDS!!! (sorry for shouting)
  13. So Adam Martyn is still around..
  14. Instagram & Mermaids.
  15. Swallowing Water through my nose!
  16. Fae/fairy community
  17. Hello MerNetwork, I'm new
  18. Taking the tail on vacation?
  19. Any performers out of water?
  20. Introducing Myself
  21. Help
  22. Do you believe in Mermaids/Merpeople?
  23. Mermaids With Goggles?
  24. Mermaid Hales in the news :)
  25. Mermaid Meditation
  26. Pre-Tail Nightmares?
  27. How common are drowning accidents in the ocean?
  28. Mermaid Tattoos?
  29. What to tell this person.. HELP ME PLEASE
  30. a new Mermaid Kickstarter
  31. Mamiwata - upcoming paranormal horror movie about an African mermaid
  32. Mer-Allies among other unusual communities?
  33. Face Washes-Enemy of the Ocean
  34. Should I start a Kickstarter?
  35. You can now add me to FB
  36. a new adventure
  37. I would like to know more about the history of the MerCommunity!
  38. mermaid style clothing on amazon
  39. Latex Tail maker Start Up Fundraiser
  40. mermaid facebook accounts
  41. Should a Character Star as human or mermaid
  42. Anyone know this reddit mermaid
  43. How know this fish?
  44. Mertail Astrological Compatibility
  45. Spring Break 2014!
  46. Neptune's Keep - Nice Weather for Fish Concert live-streamed
  47. If my tail was a Finfolk Tail
  48. Any Mature (30+) Professional Mers Out There?
  49. A Loss, A Mer Inspiration, A Name
  50. My Mermaid Theory
  51. Apple app for Busselton Mermaids
  52. bewhare new FB pages wont allow you to block merverts!!
  53. A mermaid dream come true
  54. Facebook Fan Page - To Create or Not Create
  56. Aj Smit (Mermaid Harmony) in a Hawai'i Commercial!
  57. The Pains of Being a Not-So-Little Mermaid
  58. Bullying? :(
  59. Mer news -send me yours
  60. Thermohalia - futuristic mer-comic
  61. People's Reactions when you tell them you're a mermaid
  62. How tell People You're a Mermaid?
  63. MerFolk Camp August 4-8 Arlington, Texas
  64. Spycho family members
  65. Raising Seahorses
  66. Fin fun mermaid giveaway
  67. Questioning mermaid self?
  68. Mer-King and Mer-Royalty
  69. Back, I guess?
  70. any non-merfolk seafolk?
  71. Secret mermaid code word(s)
  72. How to come up with a suitable MerName?
  73. Traveling with a tail
  74. Event Calendar?
  75. Merbella or Mermaid Creations
  76. Mership for Merpeople
  77. Any Songs for a Mer-Playlist?
  78. Mer calender
  79. ODCA Conservation Tail
  80. Contacts?
  81. That little girls got a fin!
  82. Merman Christian cast as first MERMAN in a horror flick!
  83. Merpeople here with braces
  84. Practice without tail = disappointment with?
  85. Tail Designs
  86. Donations?!?!
  87. Georgia mermaids?
  88. Hours spent in tail
  89. Mermaids on the Beach!
  90. How to join a pod
  91. Merfest 2015
  92. Mermaid Art
  93. Mermaid Book Blog: 1st Blogoversary Giveaways! (INT + US only)
  94. Secret Identity as a Mer?
  95. PLEASE HELP (unwanted fetish stuff) :S
  96. Very exciting news: getting my tail made!!!! With video
  97. My friend is using my love for mermaid was a way to make fun of me?
  98. Where to buy polysporin ear/eye drops?
  99. Introducing Merman Jose (this isn't a welcoming thread)
  100. im on tublr.. not just my account
  101. Please give me a suggestion about mermaid tail for my BJD.
  102. "Coming Out" Terms for Mers?
  103. Money for a tail
  104. How mermaiding saved my life
  105. How do you deal with annoying kids when you are not performing/ on a gig?
  106. Story Idea resurrection
  107. They ask are you a real Mermaid?
  108. Mermaid Book club
  109. I need proof readers
  110. Meeting other Mermaiders
  111. What do Mers eat?
  112. First Mermaid Encounter
  113. Mermaid Shirts!
  114. What does being a Mermaid/Merman mean to you?
  115. Singing mermaid!
  116. Unboxing videos
  117. I've created a budding mermaid blog website!
  119. A New Name?
  120. First mermaid birthday party is in the books for Nola Mermaid
  122. The Hopes of Children and Parent's Reality
  123. I want to apologize
  124. Lake in the Head
  125. A year on Mernetwork: joy and pain
  127. How to tell parents? (I know, this has probably been posted before...)
  128. Any Spotify users here?
  129. Very realistic looking "mermaid" washed up...
  130. Tailmaking tutorial on electronics blog
  131. Changing my mer-name
  132. Keeping the mermaids alive! They do exist!
  133. tail help?
  134. How did you find your mer-name?
  135. A Guide to Unwanted Contact: Merverts, Trolls, Collectors, and more with list
  136. H20 or Ariel?
  137. A cute, self-proclaimed mermaid at the pool
  138. They let me swim in my tail!
  139. Mermaid 18 inch doll line?
  140. Need editors for my book
  141. Mer-community Pressure
  142. Happy Birthday to Mermaid LIndsey/Mermaids-&-Anchors
  143. Story Ideas explosion
  144. Introduction, and are there any mermaids from the north?
  145. Exercising exhaustion
  146. What's in a name.....Help?
  147. Moving around with a tail?
  148. Mertender Appreciation Day
  149. Secret Santa 2014
  150. Our Own Mini Merfest!
  151. Is a Mermaid-themed Ocean Wildlife Rescue/Rehabilitation "Park" Feasible?
  152. Rant: Stop telling me what mermaids SHOULD look like!
  153. Introduction: Mermaid Ulla
  154. Considering a name change; is Freyja in use?
  155. Mertender appreciation post
  156. 2014 MerNetwork Secret Santa: General Interest & Discussion Thread
  157. mako mermaids
  158. New Mermaid Needs Some Tips on Just About Everything
  159. Hello! New mermaid saying hi
  160. Mer-Career
  161. Switching Skype Accounts?
  162. Anyone going to the Texas Renaissance Festival?
  163. Sandra the Siren!
  164. "Mermaiding" wikipedia page
  165. Mean Comments?
  166. Can I get some help with this again please?
  167. Dream Tails?
  168. Tail making
  169. south carolina mers?!
  170. New mermaid article in Wired.
  171. Mermaiding in Cozumel?
  172. Mermaid Friends
  174. Look what I got!
  175. Stolen MerFest pic
  176. Sad news from WavyMermaidy
  177. Different Kinds of transformations?
  178. My mermaid film!
  179. Saw this and had to share. Orcas are amazing.
  180. Look what I found at Wal-mart!!!
  181. Dolphin Translator in Development
  182. Reinventing
  183. Favorite Stories/Experiences While Being a Mermaid
  184. Sudden waves of Facebook likes?
  185. I swam with our local diving club's divers and made a video of it :D
  186. So...question about when to say something
  187. Fish Otherkin or Therians?
  188. Questioons About Mermaids
  189. Original Tail Designs and Copying
  190. Wont you tell me what you want ?What you really really want? SOS :D
  191. Swim lessons with mer teacher
  192. Trip to Florida
  193. What is WITH people not crediting artists?
  194. First silicone thing I've every done!!! (Slightly NSFW)
  195. Mermaid Jewelry
  196. Calling all artists for a commission!
  197. MerFest Dreams dissolved
  198. Winter Swims!
  199. Am New Here! Wanted to say Hi
  201. Just curious how do fins hold up on a silicone tail??
  202. ideas or images to help me design my own Finfolk dragon/lightning themed mermaid tail
  203. Have become a little obcessed about mermaids?
  204. Websites or Books on Mermaid/Merman Legends?
  205. New here - from New Zealand
  206. Thinking about starting a FB page again?
  207. Anyone know about Montreal swim school?
  208. Epic Job Mermaid Harmony!
  209. My local stalker is on mermaid groups
  210. Got my Etsy shop and FB page going!!
  211. Anyone know this mer?
  212. XKCD posted an interesting "What If" Article today
  213. Being a Mermaid: Your Questions Answered
  214. Perception of Mermaiding - the meme.
  215. Help Krista
  216. Moderators?
  217. Mermaid mini-mes by Riiarin
  218. Can I post General Jewellery up in the classifieds?
  219. New video of Finland's mermaids! And we both have mertailor tails! :)
  220. Cholorine pool causing rashes?
  221. Fundraising towards a tail worth it or not??
  222. Ideas to save money for my dream tail?
  223. Plus sized Mermaids
  224. Importance of Headdresses
  225. Mermaid / Pirate treasure chest edible centerpiece - share your own creations!
  226. Mermaid Wedding and Family
  227. costume critiques? (gentle, please!)
  228. Who's coming to MerQuest Aussie Merfest next Jan in Gold Coast Aus?? :)
  229. Testers for Mermaid Items?
  230. Looking for some honest Advice from the community.
  231. So what would it take to put on a Mermaid Convention?
  232. Help with learning how to sketch Mermaid items??
  233. Special Olympics Annual Polar Bear Plunge!
  234. Mermaids on Mars Film
  235. This may or may not blow your mind.
  236. Melbourne Awesome Swimming places!
  238. First ever piebald mermaid!
  239. First Swim?
  240. I'm Doing A GIVEAWAY - 72 Hours Only!!!
  241. Research for a documentary photo project about us!
  242. Blister from hell.what to do?
  243. TVtropes?
  244. Sorrynotsooorry on Instagram
  245. Doll me up!
  246. What's Your Mer Story?
  247. Hawai'i Mermaid Shoot
  248. Internet Warning Please read this may happen to you!
  249. Reasons why I'm a single Mer-person
  250. Dwarfism, or Short Statured merfolk? Autism?